Monday, March 30, 2009

Developer News

For no particular reason other than to celebrate this particular Monday, I wanted to update developers on two Android-related news items.

If you're a developer who will be in the San Francisco Bay Area at the end of May, I hope you'll join us at the 2009 Google I/O developer conference. You might have already seen the sessions we had listed for Android, but today I'm quite pleased to let you know that we've added a few more Android-related sessions. You can find the full list plus abstracts on the Google I/O site, but here are the titles:

  • Turbo-Charge Your UI: How to Make Your Android UI Fast and Efficient

  • Pixel-Perfect Code: How to Marry Interaction and Visual Design the Android Way

  • Supporting Multiple Devices with One Binary

  • Debugging Arts of the Ninja Masters

  • Coding for Life—Battery Life, That Is

  • Writing Real-Time Games for Android

  • Android Lightning Talks

These sessions don't even include the "fireside chat" with the Core Technical Team that we have planned. We're working on still more sessions too; keep an ear to the ground on this blog and the Google I/O site for the latest info. I'm pretty excited about how the Android sessions for Google I/O are coming together. I think it's going to be a great event, and I hope to meet many of you there.

The other topic I want to mention is that our partners at HTC have uploaded a new system image for Android Dev Phone 1 owners. This new image is mostly the same as the one we mentioned earlier this month, but adds voice dialing. Note that not all features will work correctly in all countries, such as voice dialing and Google Voice Search which currently only work well for US English. Additionally, there are some features that we aren't able to make available at all in some countries. For instance, this build can't currently include Google Latitude due to privacy standards in some regions. We'll always keep the ADP1 builds as full-featured as we can, but it's important to remember that these devices are primarily intended for development, and won't necessarily have all the features included on mainstream builds.

I hope this news is useful to you. As always, happy coding!

Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize with stubs

Sharing and reusing layouts is very easy with Android thanks to the <include /> tag, sometimes even too easy and you might end up with user interfaces that contain a large number of views, some of which are rarely used. Thankfully, Android offers a very special widget called ViewStub, which brings you all the benefits of the <include /> without polluting your user interface with rarely used views.

A ViewStub is a dumb and lightweight view. It has no dimension, it does not draw anything and does not participate in the layout in any way. This means a ViewStub is very cheap to inflate and very cheap to keep in a view hierarchy. A ViewStub can be best described as a lazy include. The layout referenced by a ViewStub is inflated and added to the user interface only when you decide so.

The following screenshot comes from the Shelves application. The main purpose of the activity shown in the screenshot is to present the user with a browsable list of books:


The same activity is also used when the user adds or imports new books. During such an operation, Shelves shows extra bits of user interface. The screenshot below shows the progress bar and cancel button that appear at the bottom of the screen during an import:


Because importing books is not a common operation, at least when compared to browsing the list of books, the import panel is originally represented by a ViewStub:


When the user initiates the import process, the ViewStub is inflated and replaced by the content of the layout file it references:


To use a ViewStub all you need is to specify an android:id attribute, to later inflate the stub, and an android:layout attribute, to reference what layout file to include and inflate. A stub lets you use a third attribute, android:inflatedId, which can be used to override the id of the root of the included file. Finally, the layout parameters specified on the stub will be applied to the roof of the included layout. Here is an example:



android:layout_gravity="bottom" />

When you are ready to inflate the stub, simply invoke the inflate() method. You can also simply change the visibility of the stub to VISIBLE or INVISIBLE and the stub will inflate. Note however that the inflate() method has the benefit of returning the root View of the inflate layout:

((ViewStub) findViewById(;
// or
View importPanel = ((ViewStub) findViewById(;

It is very important to remember that after the stub is inflated, the stub is removed from the view hierarchy. As such, it is unnecessary to keep a long-lived reference, for instance in an class instance field, to a ViewStub.

A ViewStub is a great compromise between ease of programming and efficiency. Instead of inflating views manually and adding them at runtime to your view hierarchy, simply use a ViewStub. It's cheap and easy. The only drawback of ViewStub is that it currently does not support the <merge /> tag.

Happy coding!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kontes SEO Kampanye berat buat Saiya

Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 memang sangat berat buat saiya sebagai pemula, sengaja memakai kata saiya karena jika menulis dengan blog saya (saya = Abi di Bahasa Sunda), bisa-bisa salah presepsi kalau orang sunda yang baca blog saya = blog abi. Untuk selanjutnya saya akan diganti dengan saiya. Blog saiya ternyata hanya mampu tembus di posisi 200 besar di kata kunci tersebut, jadinya blog saiya tidak bisa bergaiya di halaman-halaman awal untuk keyword tersebut. Tapi tidak apa-apa karena saiya sebagai pemula masuk rangking dua ratus besar di mesin pencari saja sudah alhamdulillah bangeet.

Kontes SEO memang sedang trend di blogoshere ini, sehingga cukup banyak blogger Indonesia yang berpartisipasi dalam kontes tersebut baik skala nasional maupun internasional. Akhirnya saya sudah kelelahan mencoba untuk memasuki seratus besar saja sulitnya minta ampuin, apalagi kalo harus bermimpi ikut bergaiya di halaman awal, kapan ya saya mampu begitu. Kalo ada saran yang bisa membuat blog saiya ini bisa ikut bergaiya, tolong dong kasih tahu. Masa cuma master saja yang bisa bergaiya, pemula seperti saiya juga pengen dong ikut bergaiya.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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Discover how other businesses, including your competition, are competing more effectively. Download this eKit; you can connect employees, vendors, partners and customers to make faster decisions for less. Do more, travel less and save money now!

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IDG Research Services explores competitive market
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kampanye Damai Bulan Kedua

Sudah memasuki bulan kedua dimana kontes seo yang dilaksanakan sejak 1 Februari 2009 ini baru setengah jalan. Kita sama-sama melihat begitu ramainya orang memposting tentang Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009. Mudah-mudahan blog ini bisa cepat-cepat keluar dari gunungan pasir yang telah lama membungkamnya sehingga bisa ikut bersaing dengan para pakar seo di kata kunci yang dipertandingkan. Apakah halaman ini akan bisa terindex dengan cepat atau senasib dengan kakak-kakaknya yang sulit sekali bisa diterima oleh mesin pencari karena dianggap spam dan postingannya tidak berkualitas.

Sebagai newbie saya cuma bisa berusaha dan berdoa selebihnya serahkan pada mbah google dan yang maha kuasa. Apapun hasilnya saya tetap bangga karena proses belajar, pengalaman dan ilmu yang didapat jauh lebih berharga dari apapun.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Keputihan Jenis dan Obatnya

Ada beberapa jenis keputihan yang menyebabkan kurang nyaman terutama pada wanita dewasa, karena selain baunya yang tidak enak juga bisa mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari, keputihan jenisnya diantaranya ialah :

Keputihan Karena Jamur

Jamur dalam jumlah kecil normal ada dalam vagina. Tetapi jika jumlahnya meningkat, akan menimbulkan gejala keputihan. Salah satu jenis jamur yang sering menjadi biang keputihan adalah Candida albicans.

Keputihan karena jamur ditandai dengan keluarnya cairan berbentuk keju lunak berwarna putih (white, cottage cheese like discharge), rasa gatal yang hebat, dan seringkali menyebabkan nyeri saat berhubungan seksual.

Untuk mengatasinya, dokter biasanya memberi obat anti jamur. Obat ini ada yang berupa obat minum, ada juga yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam vagina.

Vaginosis Bakterial

Penyebabnya adalah bakteri Gardnerella vaginalis. Ciri-ciri keputihan akibat bakteri ini adalah cairan berwarna agak putih, keabuan, atau kekuningan, disertai bau yang menyengat, terutama setelah melakukan hubungan seksual. Juga dapat timbul gatal dan rasa terbakar di daerah vagina. Pengobatannya dengan antibiotik, biasanya dalam bentuk obat minum.


Keputihan jenis ini disebabkan oleh kuman Trichomonas vaginalis. Keputihannya ditandai dengan keluarnya cairan agak encer, berbusa, berwarna kekuningan atau kehijauan. Selain itu, timbul bau tidak sedap serta nyeri atau gatal saat buang air kecil. Gejala-gejala ini biasanya meningkat setelah menstruasi. Pengobatan trikhomoniasis dengan pemberian antibiotik yang diminum.

Gonorrhea dan Klamidia

Kedua penyakit kelamin ini kadang-kadang dapat menimbulkan keputihan. Tetapi, gejalanya tidak terlalu khas. Seringkali hanya ditandai oleh peningkatan jumlah cairan yang keluar. Pengobatannya adalah dengan antibiotika, baik berupa antibiotika yang diminum maupun antibiotika yang disuntikkan. Penyebab keputihan dan cara mengobati keputihan yang lengkap bisa dilihat di link diatas.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guaranteed Extra Cash Online

For college students and other people who feel burned out trying to balance paying the bills and living at the same time, ads like these can prove to be irresistible. Many of them make perfect sense and easily hook you based on good concepts. Unfortunately, many times the product or service does not match the brilliance of a great idea for making money from home or through the Internet. As I’ve learned myself, the further you go down this road, the more excited you get. You basically get hooked, and if you aren’t careful, you will end up working hard and falling further into debt than you can imagine. Much like gambling, the lure of easy money and independence can make just about anyone fall prey to work at home scams that feed off your dreams to get to your wallet so they can go on to the next victim.

Hopefully, you will never fall victim to these scam artists. However, the fact of the matter is that these scammers would not be wasting their time if they were not making any money. And as long as people continue to get mixed up in this business, these scammers are going to stick around to trick more and more people.

The best way to keep a scammer’s claws away from your credit card is to do thorough research on each opportunity that you are considering. This means doing much more than simply reading a bit about it online. In my personal experience, I have been taken by companies who were savvy enough to pollute the Internet with staged testimonials, guarantees, questionable references to big name endorsements, and even appearances in the Better Business Bureau.

A colleague of mine who invested in vending machine placement services even went so far as to physically go to the manufacturing plant to tour the warehouse as well as contact the Better Business Bureau of that state. What he received, in return, were twenty malfunctioning candy machines with a list of local businesses who had apparently agreed to receive them. Not only did none of these businesses know what he was talking about, many of them were hostile when he showed up to place them.

What you want to do is check message boards such as the ASK section of Another simple method of weeding out the scams from the genuine opportunities is to go to a search engine and simply type in the company name followed by the word “scam”. If you do this, and you are barraged by an endless list of complaints, you my friend have found a nugget of gold in a sea of mud.

In terms of the Better Business Bureau, it is best to contact them directly to ask about any complaints, and also find out how long a company has been listed. The Better Business Bureau operates state by state. They will be able to tell you if they have any complaints on file. If they do, you will want to avoid the opportunity at all costs. But if it appears that a company is doing business the right way, you can continue your own research.

Being in the Business Bureau is not necessarily that hard to accomplish. Many scammers can use their money and connections to set up a front to initially qualify for the Better Business Bureau just long enough for them to collect their cash from unsuspecting victims, close shop, create a new identity and start again.

Before you decide to do anything, attempt to get in touch with the company that you are interested in. Can you get a human being on the phone? Do they have an actually physical address? How long does it take them to respond to your e-mails, if at all? If you cannot even talk to the company before you start, there is not chance that they will be around when you really need them. I once made quite a bit of money selling vacation vouchers on auction sites. The marketing plan was sound, and the money saving vouchers was a hit. Only problem was, I could never get in touch with their customer service department to handle my customer inquiries and complaints once I realized that the promises that existed in writing on the vouchers were misleading at best. This proved to be such a problem that it took me over a year to recover from the negative publicity on my auction site.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Software Update Available for the Android Developer Phone

Back in December, the Android Dev Phone 1 (ADP1) went on sale, giving developers access to unlocked hardware for their work. A few weeks ago, consumers with retail devices received an over the air update with the 1.1 release of Android. I know that many developers will be pleased to hear that today, our colleagues at HTC have released a 1.1 version of Android for the Android Dev Phone which you can install on your device. If you have questions about the process of updating your device, you can ask the mailing list we've set up for such questions.

This new system image is fully compatible with Android 1.1. To see a list of everything that's new, you can review the notes from the 1.1_r1 SDK. This update also includes support for searching by voice, and priced apps in the Android Market.

Some developers have asked about the support for copy-protected apps on developer devices, and indeed there is a limitation you should be aware of. Many developers are concerned about the unauthorized redistribution of their applications, so they make use of the copy-protection feature (known as "forward locking") which prevents applications from being copied off devices. However, developer phones like the ADP1 allow for unrestricted access to the device's contents, making it impossible to enforce copy protection. As a result, the Market application on such devices is not able to access copy protected apps, whether they are free or paid. If you choose to add copy protection when you upload your application to the Android Market, then you won't be able to test it on the ADP1's Android Market client. Your application will always be accessible to users who have standard configurations though, and if your application (whether it is free or paid) is not copy-protected it will appear on all devices, including developer configurations.

If you own an Android Developer Phone, I definitely suggest you take advantage of this update. There's lots of good stuff in there, and the new software is backward compatible with Android 1.0, too. The original 1.0 system image is also now available, you need to downgrade for any reason. Happy coding!

How to Manage Your Limited Money in MLM Business Successfully

A Marketing system that promotes your MLM or Network Marketing opportunity is essential. There is no doubt that this internet network marketing opportunity is the perfect solution.


Every network marketing opportunity presents its own set of challenges and possibilities. They have no idea how to generate leads or sponsor others into the MLM network marketing opportunity they have joined, and. Since you cannot use your personal success as an example to lure people to your MLM network marketing opportunity, do the same thing you do to sell product. However, at any given time around the world, there are hundreds of thousands of people eagerly seeking a business opportunity.


Want to make more money faster without a downline? There definitely needs to be a solution to the challenges faced by network marketers in this Internet age. If you think you want to pursue affiliate sales as your primary way to make money from home, then you'll want to review the tools and resources provided on this site It's a day where money is model, not people. Try to trick nature and try to make money EASILY and FAST.

Entrepreneurs look to start their own internet businesses and Simple Ideas to Make Money in Network Marketing. So, they spend much of their time, money, and effort prospecting and enrolling, never realizing that these new people will need training, especially if they have never marketed before.

This is particularly true when it comes to spending money. It's all of the above and more, and you're leaving money on the table if you don't learn how to up sell, and do it with grace and ease. If you create a more successful organization that you sponsor, you will make more money than your sponsor.


Success basically in Network Marketing is a product of the right RESPONSE. But many successful companies have been built on this business model. Everybody has to go through that startup period when they are NOT rich, famous, and a shining example to all who seek to emulate their success. Since you cannot use your personal success as an example to lure people to your MLM network marketing opportunity, do the same thing you do to sell product. THEY will want to see YOUR success before they can start thinking about joining you. If you can effectively reach them with your message AND TEACH THEM how to do the same, both you and they will be successful. To be a success with MLM Network Marketing is to make calculated decisions and work orderly to Read more. It's time to build a successful network marketing business. You can take as much time as you need to research the opportunity and when you are ready, just do it.


There is no doubt that this internet network marketing opportunity is the perfect solution. A MLM Network Marketing opportunity is not a get rich quick method. Achieving financial freedom from home is probably one of the biggest desires for people today, and doing this specifically through a "MLM" or network marketing opportunity is the route most people take.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Window Backgrounds & UI Speed

Some Android applications require to squeeze every bit of performance out of the UI toolkit and there are many ways to do so. In this article, you will discover how to speed up the drawing and the perceived startup time of your activities. Both these techniques rely on a single feature, the window's background drawable.

The term window background is a bit misleading however. When you setup your user interface by calling setContentView() on an Activity, Android adds your views to the Activity's window. The window however does not contain only your views, but a few others created for you. The most important one is, in the current implementation used on the T-Mobile G1, the DecorView, highlighted in the view hierarchy below:


The DecorView is the view that actually holds the window's background drawable. Calling getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable() from your Activity changes the background of the window by changing the DecorView's background drawable. As mentioned before, this setup is very specific to the current implementation of Android and can change in a future version or even on another device.

If you are using the standard Android themes, a default background drawable is set on your activities. The standard theme currently used on the T-Mobile G1 uses for instance a ColorDrawable. For most applications, this background drawable works just fine and can be left alone. It can however impacts your application's drawing performance. Let's take the example of an application that always draws a full screen opaque picture:


You can see on this screenshot that the window's background is invisible, entirely covered by an ImageView. This application is setup to redraw as fast as it can and draws at about 44 frames per second, or 22 milliseconds per frame (note: the number of frames per second used in this article were obtained on a T-Mobile G1 with my finger on the screen so as to reduce the drawing speed which would otherwise be capped at 60 fps.) An easy way to make such an application draw faster is to remove the background drawable. Since the user interface is entirely opaque, drawing the background is simply wasteful. Removing the background improves the performance quite nicely:


In this new version of the application, the drawing speed went up to 51 frames per second, or 19 milliseconds per frame. The difference of 3 milliseconds per is easily explained by the speed of the memory bus on the T-Mobile G1: it is exactly the time it takes to move the equivalent of a screenful of pixels on the bus. The difference could be even greater if the default background was using a more expensive drawable.

Removing the window's background can be achieved very easily by using a custom theme. To do so, first create a file called res/values/theme.xml containing the following:

<style name="Theme.NoBackground" parent="android:Theme">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@null</item>

You then need to apply the theme to your activity by adding the attribute android:theme="@style/Theme.NoBackground" to your <activity /> or <application /> tag. This trick comes in very handy for any app that uses a MapView, a WebView or any other full screen opaque view.

Opaque views and Android: this optimization is currently necessary because the Android UI toolkit is not smart enough to prevent the drawing of views hidden by opaque children. The main reason why this optimization was not implemented is simply because there are usually very few opaque views in Android applications. This is however something that I definitely plan on implementing as soon as possible and I can only apologize for not having been able to do this earlier.

Using a theme to change the window's background is also a fantastic way to improve the perceived startup performance of some of your activities. This particular trick can only be applied to activities that use a custom background, like a texture or a logo. The Shelves application is a good example:


If this application simply set the wooden background in the XML layout or in onCreate() the user would see the application startup with the default theme and its dark background. The wooden texture would only appear after the inflation of the content view and the first layout/drawing pass. This causes a jarring effect and gives the user the impression that the application takes time to load (which can actually be the case.) Instead, the application defines the wooden background in a theme, picked up by the system as soon as the application starts. The user never sees the default theme and gets the impression that the application is up and running right away. To limit the memory and disk usage, the background is a tiled texture defined in res/drawable/background_shelf.xml:

<bitmap xmlns:android=""
android:tileMode="repeat" />

This drawable is simply referenced by the theme:

<style name="Theme.Shelves" parent="android:Theme">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background_shelf</item>
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>

The same exact trick is used in the Google Maps application that ships with the T-Mobile G1. When the application is launched, the user immediately sees the loading tiles of MapView. This is only a trick, the theme is simply using a tiled background that looks exactly like the loading tiles of MapView.

Sometimes the best tricks are also the simplest so the next time you create an activity with an opaque UI or a custom background, remember to change the window's background.

Download the source code of the first example.

Download the source code of Shelves.

The Tips for Making Money Online – The Last Part

Make money online is my primary job. To make money as an affiliate is the second opportunity that we wanted to highlight. The definition of the affiliate is the person who acts as a referrer to products or services of a company/business and receives commission on every successful sale. This simplified list of opportunities to make money online is a great help to many. Much of learning how to make money online is dependent on your ability to access critical information about advertising techniques, finding the right products to market, and learning how to build a huge opt-in mail list.


Here you search make money online business, you are entering into a make money online business and the more involved they are in the marketing process, the more likely they are to remain focused on promoting your company’s products and services.


Affiliate Marketing allows you to make money online by hosting an ads or contents designed to drive traffic to another site (the advertiser). . Affiliates can also be referred as publishers. Affiliates are online "word of mouth" referrals and can increase the amount of money you make online. Affiliate marketing is a big and profitable industry that covers a wide spectrum of topics and fields and it has been known to be cost-efficient, assessable method of conveying long-term results. It is also a great way to start in making money online. Affiliate programs can drive targeted traffic to your website.

The articles have links to an affiliate or partnership websites which allow making money online from the affiliate activities. The easiest and fastest way to start an internet business and make money online is with these programs. The Amazon Associates is the excellent example program if you are an entrepreneur. If you want to participate in the affiliate program to make money online but have financial problems, nevertheless, there are many costless approaches allowing you to earn commissions and to make money online.


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And one of the easiest and simplest ways to make money online is to go into affiliate or online network marketing programs or build up your own one. And for you to remember, the key to make money online is knowing how and where to start. For more information about make money online, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize by merging

In the previous installment of Android Layout Tricks, I showed you how to use the <include /> tag in XML layout to reuse and share your layout code. I also mentioned the <merge /> and it's now time to learn how to use it.

The <merge /> was created for the purpose of optimizing Android layouts by reducing the number of levels in view trees. It's easier to understand the problem this tag solves by looking at an example. The following XML layout declares a layout that shows an image with its title on top of it. The structure is fairly simple; a FrameLayout is used to stack a TextView on top of an ImageView:

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""


android:src="@drawable/golden_gate" />




android:text="Golden Gate" />


This layout renders nicely as we expected and nothing seems wrong with this layout:


Things get more interesting when you inspect the result with HierarchyViewer. If you look closely at the resulting tree you will notice that the FrameLayout defined in our XML file (highlighted in blue below) is the sole child of another FrameLayout:


Since our FrameLayout has the same dimension as its parent, by the virtue of using the fill_parent constraints, and does not define any background, extra padding or a gravity, it is totally useless. We only made the UI more complex for no good reason. But how could we get rid of this FrameLayout? After all, XML documents require a root tag and tags in XML layouts always represent view instances.

That's where the <merge /> tag comes in handy. When the LayoutInflater encounters this tag, it skips it and adds the <merge /> children to the <merge /> parent. Confused? Let's rewrite our previous XML layout by replacing the FrameLayout with <merge />:

<merge xmlns:android="">


android:src="@drawable/golden_gate" />




android:text="Golden Gate" />


With this new version, both the TextView and the ImageView will be added directly to the top-level FrameLayout. The result will be visually the same but the view hierarchy is simpler:


Obviously, using <merge /> works in this case because the parent of an activity's content view is always a FrameLayout. You could not apply this trick if your layout was using a LinearLayout as its root tag for instance. The <merge /> can be useful in other situations though. For instance, it works perfectly when combined with the <include /> tag. You can also use <merge /> when you create a custom composite view. Let's see how we can use this tag to create a new view called OkCancelBar which simply shows two buttons with customizable labels. You can also download the complete source code of this example. Here is the XML used to display this custom view on top of an image:



android:src="@drawable/golden_gate" />




okCancelBar:cancelLabel="Don't save" />


This new layout produces the following result on a device:


The source code of OkCancelBar is very simple because the two buttons are defined in an external XML file, loaded using a LayoutInflate. As you can see in the following snippet, the XML layout R.layout.okcancelbar is inflated with the OkCancelBar as the parent:

public class OkCancelBar extends LinearLayout {
public OkCancelBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.okcancelbar, this, true);

TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.OkCancelBar, 0, 0);

String text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_okLabel);
if (text == null) text = "Ok";
((Button) findViewById(;

text = array.getString(R.styleable.OkCancelBar_cancelLabel);
if (text == null) text = "Cancel";
((Button) findViewById(;


The two buttons are defined in the following XML layout. As you can see, we use the <merge /> tag to add the two buttons directly to the OkCancelBar. Each button is included from the same external XML layout file to make them easier to maintain; we simply override their id:

<merge xmlns:android="">
android:id="@+id/okcancelbar_ok" />

android:id="@+id/okcancelbar_cancel" />

We have created a flexible and easy to maintain custom view that generates an efficient view hierarchy:


The <merge /> tag is extremely useful and can do wonders in your code. However, it suffers from a couple of limitation:

  • <merge /> can only be used as the root tag of an XML layout

  • When inflating a layout starting with a <merge />, you must specify a parent ViewGroup and you must set attachToRoot to true (see the documentation of the inflate() method)

In the next installment of Android Layout Tricks you will learn about ViewStub, a powerful variation of <include /> that can help you further optimize your layouts without sacrificing features.

Download the complete source code of this example.