Monday, November 30, 2009

Announcing the Winners of ADC 2

Back in May at Google I/O, we announced ADC 2 -- the second Android Developer Challenge -- to encourage the development of cool apps that delight mobile users. We received many interesting and high-quality applications -- everything from exciting arcade games to nifty productivity utilities. We also saw apps that took advantage of openness of Android to enhance system behavior at a deep level to provide users with a greater degree of customization and utility. We were particularly pleased to see submissions from many smaller and independent developers.

Over the last couple of months, tens of thousands of Android users around the world reviewed and scored these applications. There were many great apps and the scores were very close. Together with our official panel of judges, these users have spoken and selected our winners!

I am pleased to present the ADC 2 winners gallery, which includes not only the top winners overall and in each category, but also all of the applications that made it to the top 200. There are a lot of great applications in addition to the top winners.

Thanks to everyone who submitted applications or helped us judge the entrants. We encourage all developers to submit their applications to Android Market where their app can be downloaded and enjoyed by Android users around the world.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Telkom Buka e-Commerce Mirip Amazon

mbah gendeng mengintip berita yang melansir ngobrol seputar bisnis online, berita cukup menarik tentang perkembangan bisnis online indonesia yaitu Telkom Buka e-Commerce Mirip Amazon.

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) resmi meluncurkan portal penyedia layanan e-commerce, content agregator dan fitur komunikasi Mojopia.

Mojopia merupakan strategi perluasan bisnis Telkom yang memberi dukungan bagi para pelaku bisnis dalam mengembangkan usaha. Melalui Mojopia, UKM bisa mengembangkan usahanya lewat layanan e-commerce.

"Bentuk layanan portal ini seperti Amazon," kata CEO Mojopia, Shinta Dhanuwardoyo, saat peluncuran produk ini di Jakarta, Kamis.

"Kami menargetkan pada 2010 sebanyak 1.000 merchant (pedagang) aktif membuka toko online di Mojopia dengan sekitar 1 juta jenis mata dagangan," tambahnya.

Direktur Utama Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah mengatakan, pengembangan Mojopia bagian dari implementasi transformasi bisnis Telkom yang sebelumnya berbasis telekomunikasi dan informasi menjadi lebih luas, yaitu "Telecommunication, Information, Media, and Edutainment" (Time).

Menurut Rinaldi, bagian dari anak perusahaan Telkom, Metranet dengan investasi sekitar 2 juta dolar AS.

Investasi ditujukan untuk sumber daya manusia, membangun aplikasi dan pemasaran. Sedangkan penyediaan kapasitas infrastruktur bandwitdh dan backbone tetap menyewa kepada induk perusahaan Telkom.

Adapun untuk kemudahan transaksi online, Mojopia bersinergi dengan Finnet, anak perusahaan lain Telkom yang bergerak layanan solusi kartu pembayaran.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ADC 2 Public Judging is now closed

Thanks to tens of thousands of Android users around the world who participated in the review of ADC 2 finalist applications, we have now collected sufficient scores to complete Round 2 of public judging.

We are reviewing the final results and will announce the top winners this coming Monday, November 30. Thanks to all who've participated in ADC 2 and good luck to all the finalists.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert American Music Awards

With the American Music Awards only two days away, and with everyone from Rihanna to Eminem to Adam Lambert American Music Awards set to perform American Dream Movie, there's bound to be multiple standout moments. So how will Lambert compete with those other superstars when performs his "glammy" single, "For Your Entertainment"? Lots of sex appeal, obviously.

"It's gonna be sexy, I think," he told MTV News about his performance on Sunday night. "The wardrobe is amazing. I'm working with 10 dancers that I'm so impressed by. I was looking for a certain sensuality — five guys, five girls and they're all incredible."

Lambert is also bringing his "For Your Entertainment" video bandon board for the performance, and said he simply loves working with them. "I also auditioned a band a couple weeks ago that I've been working with," he said. "I'm so impressed by [them] and it feels really good to be part of a team situation again. It's great because I'm back in a team environment and it reminds me of my roots in musical theater."

Occasionally, when performing, artists like to take aspects of their music videos as a basis for their live act. And fans will definitely get to see aspects of his Ray Kay-directed video for "For Your Entertainment."

It is kind of an extension of what we filmed for the music video stylistically, the fashion of it, some of the choreography choices," he said. "The band is also featured in the music video, so yeah, it's really sexy."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Film 2012 Jualan Soal Kiamat ?

Film 2012 bertema kiamat '2012' diluncurkan secara serentak di seluruh dunia pada Jumat 13 November 2009. Film besutan sutradara Hollywood, Roland Emmerich itu lantas jadi fenomenal.

Penonton rela antri dan berdesak-desakan demi menonton film yang dilatarbelakangi akhir penanggalan Bangsa Maya pada 2012, yang dihubungkan dengan hari akhir dunia.

Antrian panjang penonton juga berarti pundi-pundi uang. Dalam tiga hari penayangan, uang senilai US$ 65 juta, berhasil dikumpulkan. Itu hanya di Amerika Serikat.

Sementara di seluruh di dunia, '2012' diperkirakan menghasilkan tak kurang dari US$ 225 juta. Dibandingkan dengan ongkos produksi yang sebesar US$ 200 juta, '2012' dipastikan untung besar.

Kiamat tak hanya ditunjukan dalam '2012', kekhawatiran besar atas nasib umat manusia juga ditunjukan dalam film-film anyar 'The Road' dan 'The Book of Eli'.

Kekhawatiran atas kehancuran dunia akibat pemanasan global, perang Irak dan Afganistan, ancaman teroris, dan kehancuran ekonomi, akan terus diolah dalam film.

Bukan kali ini saja Hollywood menangguk untung dari menjual film bertema kiamat dan kehancuran besar.

Tak hanya memanfaatkan berbagai ramalan, yang bahkan di luar pemikiran Nostradamus, sang peramal besar, versi kiamat ala Hollywood menyesuaikan diri dengan trend ancaman yang paling dirasakan manusia di era tertentu.

Seperti dikutip dari laman, CBSnews, tema kehancuran dunia mulai marak di awal Perang Dingin. Ketakutan dan trauma nuklir diterjemahkan Hollywood dalam film, sebut saja 'On the Beach', 'Fail-Safe', dan 'Dr. Strangelobe'.

Ketika dunia mengkhawatirkan ledakan jumlah manusia dan masa depan yang suram, Hollywood lantas melempar film-film dengan tema itu, sebut saja 'Soylent Green', 'Silent Running', dan 'The Omega Man'.

Di tahun 1950-an, Hollywood juga menerjemahkan kiamat sebagai perang manusia dengan mahluk luar angkasa atau serangan benda-benda luar angkasa, misalnya dalam "When Worlds Collide" and "War of the Worlds."

Kiamat juga diterjemahkan Hollywod dalam banyak cara, dari yang bisa diterima nalar hingga yang paling muskil.

Film bertemakan wabah vampir , misalnya film Ethan Hawke 'Daybreaker' atau wabah zombie yang menggantikan manusia, seperti tergambar dalam film komedi horor, 'Zombieland' dan 'George Romero's Surbvival of The Death'.

Kehancuran dunia ala Hollywood juga disebabkan perang mati-matian manusia dengan mesin seperti ditunjukan dalam 'Terminator Salvation' dan petualangan animasi '9".

Bangsa kera juga diberi tempat Hollywood sebagai mahluk penyebab kehgancuran manusia dalam 'Planet of the Apes'.

Film dokumenter Al Gore. 'An Inconvenient Truth' yang menggambarkan kerusakan lingkungan akibat pemanasan global, menginspirasi adegan banjir dahsyat dan munculnya bahtera Nuh.

Gambaran tentang bumi yang rusak dan tertutup gunungan sampah juga muncul dalam film anak-anak 'Wall-E'.

Jika, ramalan kehancuran dunia pada 2012 tak terbukti, setidaknya kiamat ala Hollywood akan terus bermetamorfosa.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Integrating Application with Intents

Written in collaboration with Michael Burton,; Ivan Mitrovic, uLocate; and Josh Garnier, OpenTable.

OpenTable, uLocate, and worked together to create a great user experience on Android. We saw an opportunity to enable WHERE and GoodFood users to make reservations on OpenTable easily and seamlessly. This is a situation where everyone wins — OpenTable gets more traffic, WHERE and GoodFood gain functionality to make their applications stickier, and users benefit because they can make reservations with only a few taps of a finger. We were able to achieve this deep integration between our applications by using Android's Intent mechanism. Intents are perhaps one of Android's coolest, most unique, and under-appreciated features. Here's how we exploited them to compose a new user experience from parts each of us have.


One of the first steps is to design your Intent interface, or API. The main public Intent that OpenTable exposes is the RESERVE Intent, which lets you make a reservation at a speci���c restaurant and optionally specify the date, time, and party size.

Hereʼs an example of how to make a reservation using the RESERVE Intent:

startActivity(new Intent("com.opentable.action.RESERVE",

Our objective was to make it simple and clear to the developer using the Intent. So how did we decide what it would look like?

First, we needed an Action. We considered using Intent.ACTION_VIEW, but decided this didn't map well to making a reservation, so we made up a new action. Following the conventions of the Android platform (roughly <package-name>.action.<action-name>), we chose "com.opentable.action.RESERVE". Actions really are just strings, so it's important to namespace them. Not all applications will need to de���ne their own actions. In fact, common actions such as Intent.ACTION_VIEW (aka "android.intent.action.VIEW") are often a better choice if youʼre not doing something unusual.

Next we needed to determine how data would be sent in our Intent. We decided to have the data encoded in a URI, although you might choose to receive your data as a collection of items in the Intent's data Bundle. We used a scheme of "reserve:" to be consistent with our action. We then put our domain authority and the restaurant ID into the URI path since it was required, and we shunted off all of the other, optional inputs to URI query parameters.


Once we knew what we wanted the Intent to look like, we needed to register the Intent with the system so Android would know to start up the OpenTable application. This is done by inserting an Intent filter into the appropriate Activity declaration in AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name=".activity.Splash" ... >
<action android:name="com.opentable.action.RESERVE"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="reserve" android:host=""/>

In our case, we wanted users to see a brief OpenTable splash screen as we loaded up details about their restaurant selection, so we put the Intent Filter in the splash Activity de���nition. We set our category to be DEFAULT. This will ensure our application is launched without asking the user what application to use, as long as no other Activities also list themselves as default for this action.

Notice that things like the URI query parameter ("partySize" in our example) are not speci���ed by the Intent ���lter. This is why documentation is key when de���ning your Intents, which weʼll talk about a bit later.


Now the only thing left to do was write the code to handle the intent.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final Uri uri;
final int restaurantId;
try {
uri = getIntent().getData();
restaurantId = Integer.parseInt( uri.getPathSegments().get(0));
} catch(Exception e) {
// Restaurant ID is required
startActivity( FindTable.start(FindTablePublic.this));
final String partySize = uri.getQueryParameter("partySize");

Although this is not quite all the code, you get the idea. The hardest part here was the error handling. OpenTable wanted to be able to gracefully handle erroneous Intents that might be sent by partner applications, so if we have any problem parsing the restaurant ID, we pass the user off to another Activity where they can find the restaurant manually. It's important to verify the input just as you would in a desktop or web application to protect against injection attacks that might harm your app or your users.

Calling and Handling Uncertainty with Grace

Actually invoking the target application from within the requester is quite straight-forward, but there are a few cases we need to handle. What if OpenTable isn't installed? What if WHERE or GoodFood doesn't know the restaurant ID?

Restaurant ID knownRestaurant ID unknown
User has OpenTableCall OpenTable IntentDon't show reserve button
User doesn't have OpenTableCall Market IntentDon't show reserve button

You'll probably wish to work with your partner to decide exactly what to do if the user doesn't have the target application installed. In this case, we decided we would take the user to Android Market to download OpenTable if s/he wished to do so.

public void showReserveButton() {

// setup the Intent to call OpenTable
Uri reserveUri = Uri.parse(String.format( "reserve://",
Intent opentableIntent = new Intent("com.opentable.action.RESERVE", reserveUri);

// setup the Intent to deep link into Android Market
Uri marketUri = Uri.parse("market://search?q=pname:com.opentable");
Intent marketIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(marketUri);

opentableButton.setVisibility(opentableId > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
opentableButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
startActivity(pm.queryIntentActivities(opentableIntent, 0).size() == 0 ?
opentableIntent : marketIntent);

In the case where the ID for the restaurant is unavailable, whether because they don't take reservations or they aren't part of the OpenTable network, we simply hide the reserve button.



Publishing the Intent Specification

Now that all the technical work is done, how can you get other developers to use your Intent-based API besides 1:1 outreach? The answer is simple: publish documentation on your website. This makes it more likely that other applications will link to your functionality and also makes your application available to a wider community than you might otherwise reach.

If there's an application that you'd like to tap into that doesn't have any published information, try contacting the developer. It's often in their best interest to encourage third parties to use their APIs, and if they already have an API sitting around, it might be simple to get you the documentation for it.


It's really just this simple. Now when any of us is in a new city or just around the neighborhood its easy to check which place is the new hot spot and immediately grab an available table. Its great to not need to find a restaurant in one application, launch OpenTable to see if there's a table, find out there isn't, launch the first application again, and on and on. We hope you'll find this write-up useful as you develop your own public intents and that you'll consider sharing them with the greater Android community.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Discount Hotels in London

After last posting Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang I wanna share Inexpensive Way to Visit Expensive London. One of the most expensive cities of the world, London is a hot tourist destination. Planning a holiday or vacation to the expensive city means lots of money. However, vacation to London is possible within limited budget as well. Every year London welcomes plethora of tourist who come here for different objectives. Whether you are business or pleasure travelers, London never fails to mesmerize.

While you are on short term or long term stay, a visit to London attractions are a must do. Explore Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, London Dungeon, London Eye, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Madame Tussaud’s, Trafalgar Square, Victoria and Albert Museum, Houses of Parliament and many more.

If you think it is beyond your means to visit London, then there is good news for you. Discounted hotels in London will take care of your accommodation without your need to shell out much. During your stay in discounted hotels in London, you can enjoy English hospitality and impeccable service. Discerning business and pleasure travelers to London can take advantage of modern facilities and amenities including direct-dial telephone, color TV, ironing facilities, 24 hours reception, internet access, wake-up service, satellite TV, lounge bar and many more. These discounted hotels in London offer spacious and comfortable bedrooms, thus making your stay truly home away from home.

If you want to avail of irresistible discounted hotels in London, spend some time in internet and search. Plan your business or leisure London trip much in advance and book discounted hotels in London. You will be surprise to know that London hotels provide significant discount rate in order to keep their rooms’ occupied throughout the year. During Christmas and New Year, visitors to London can avail of up to seventy percent discount in the best hotels of the London.

Choose your discounted London hotels carefully. If you are businessman, prefer discounted hotels in London that are located close to business establishments. In this way you can save time and money to getting to business centers. For those who are n pleasure trip, discounted London hotels near places of tourist interest, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and shopping will be advantageous. Explore the beauty of London by visiting attractions and sights, green parks, amazing aquariums, zoos, beautiful botanical gardens. To know more about the history and culture, visit London museums and galleries. The royal castles and historical sites are witness to London’s rich past.

Book now discounted hotels in London!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

ADC 2 Round 2 Voting Open


The results from ADC 2 Round 1 are now tabulated and verified. With the top 200 applications identified, it's time to begin the final round judging. Be sure to download the ADC 2 judging application, or update your existing application, and help us select the final winners!

For the final round, both users and a Google-selected panel of industry judges will provide votes to determine the final winners. Prizes will be distributed to the top 3 entrants in each of the 10 categories, and the top 3 overall entrants will receive additional prizes. Please see our reference page for full challenge information.

Your vote is critical! We will keep voting open until we have received sufficient votes for all of the applications. We encourage you to download the ADC 2 judging application and evaluate entrants for yourself.

Download Android Developer Challenge 2:


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

Dalam Kontes SEO "Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang", saya memcoba untuk menguatkan postingan utama yang akan berlaga di Kontes SEO tersebut. Kota Pandeglang memang sarat akan tempat - tempat yang indah dan menarik, tempat - tempat tersebut layak dan pantas untuk menjadi tujuan wisata para wisatawan, baik wisatawan lokal maupun asing.
Pemerintahan Kabupaten Pandeglang dengan segala daya dan upayanya selalu berusaha meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana objek - objek wisata yang mereka miliki. Objek -objek yang ada di Pandeglang sangat banyak ragam dan coraknya, wisata hutan, air , pendidikan dan lain - lain.

Daearah wisata yang ada di Provinsi Banten memang menarik dan mempesona, khususnya yang ada di Pandeglang, yang mana pemerintahan Kabupaten Pandeglang begitu peduli terhadap kemajuan daerahnya, termasuk bidang pariwisata. Dengan dukungan yang All out dari pemerintan Pandeglang, maka kemajuan bidang pariwisata di Pandeglang begitu pesat akhir - akhir ini.

Langkah - langkah strategis yang telah dilakukan Pemerintahan Kabupaten Pandeglang bisa menjdi contoh buat kota - kota lainya yang ada di Provinsi Banten khususnya dan di Negara Indonesia umumnya. Semoga saja kota - kota lain tidak merasa malu untuk mencontoh sesuatu yang baik yang telah dipelopori Kota Pandeglang. Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Padenglang

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bring Your Lab Coats


With the recent release of Android 2.0 and the growing number of available devices, we want to give developers a convenient way to test drive their apps on these new devices. We also want to make our Android advocates available to answer any questions you may have.

We are pleased to announce that we will host a series of all day Android developer labs over the next month in the following cities (dates in local time):

  • Mountain View, CA - Nov 9

  • New York, NY - Nov 16

  • London, UK - Nov 17

  • Tokyo, JP - Nov 18

  • Taipei, TW - Nov 20

Due to limited space, developers who have already published an application in Android Market will be given priority. You can request a spot on a first-come, first-serve basis by going to this page. We will send a follow-up email with venue information and other registration details to those who have secured a spot.

Thank you for your continued excitement in Android. We look forward to meeting many of you in the coming weeks!