Editor's bit...
Todays picture is Star Trek vs Dr. Who by mikemayhew.Scanner selected posts...
The Doctor Who Site has WoW Stuff Doctor Who Tardis Safe, Keep your prized possessions safe from family, friends and alien life forms, this TARDIS Safe can also only be opened with the enclosed key. Place your most secret and prized possessions inside in the knowledge that only you can open the TARDIS Safe, when un-locked the TARDIS light flashes and the sound of the TARDIS re-generating can be heard. While locked the TARDIS light gently pulses....WhoTube....
The Murdering Marshall - Doctor Who: The Mutants, Varan's son is killed by the Marshall. Classic clip from the 1972 six-part story 'The Mutants' starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor.Pick of the Blogs...
London Particulars has Doctor Who is a terrible man, as regular readers of this blog may be aware, I’m a bit of a Doctor Who fan. Who wouldn’t be? Guy travels through time and space fighting monsters. What’s not to like?, but the other day, a disturbing thought occurred to me. Maybe the Doctor isn’t the heroic role model his fans like to think he is. In fact, maybe the Doctor is actually a terrible person....
anevilgiraffe has more knobrot iDaleks..., this weeks Doctor Who Adventures magazine has yet more iDalek figures as a freebie.... 17 of the buggers this time, as opposed to 5 previously..., you get 5 orange (although a strange orange) Scientists, 5 red Drones, 1 white Supreme, 1 yellow Eternal and 5 blue Strategists (the Supreme and Eternal being unique amongst Daleks)... as you can see there are some gaps, so like before will need popping apart and realigning, but that shouldn't be a problem...
Andrew Skilleter has a Calendar, A3 size, wiro-bound, full colour,calendar with twelve paintings, some previously unpublished – plus a cover of course . You can see each and every page and read all the details using the link above. By its nature this is a true limited edition, printed to order and is sure to become a collector’s item. Even Andrew only has one copy …
The Ood Cast has released their Guide 22: Sycorax, angry, gruff and generally quite grumpy, the Sycorax have had more of a presence in the travels of the Doctor than maybe some initially realise. Sure, there’s the big appearances: the Christmas Invasion of 2005, and a certain bony hand in the trapping of the Doctor in the Pandorica… but there’s also an inspirational literary encounter and a congenial bar-dwelling moment to explore....
Lawrence Miles' Doctor Who Thing has New Doctor Who Monsters, Number 1, all demons are products of humanity; all versions of Hell are built on the belief that Hell exists. Whether we generate this sort of monster without knowing it, or the demons choose to mould themselves around our expectations, or they simply exist in a way we can only understand by descending into madness on the level of Bosch... this is open to debate....
Tea with Morbius has Why can't John and Gillian be real companions?, TV Comic published Doctor Who comic strips between 1964 and 1979. These stories featured the First, Second, Third and Fourth Doctors, but TV Comic did not posses the rights for all the companions and so the First Doctor strip featured an untelevised pair of grandchildren of Doctor Who, John and Gillian. The TV Comic strips have generally not been fondly remembered by fans and there seems to be a consensus that they are not canon and John and Gillian do not belong on the list of official companions....
BBC Doctor Who Adventures Magazine has DAY 7: Win a Dalek Drone action figure, "we've got another brilliant Doctor Who prize that must be won for day 7 of our mega giveaway - a Dalek Drone action figure, for your chance to win, just answer this question..."
Bigger On The Inside has Fallen Angel, "...this being a Doctor Who game I also wanted to include some alien involvement. I placed a Draconian scouting vessel in the lagoon, where its pilot had been in cryogenic suspension for a hundred years while the ship repaired itself after a crash landing...."Tid-Bits...
Rich's ComixBlog has Outrage of the Zygons - 30, Kimber follows TechRat to the original hideout of Synergy. Stormer arrives shortly after and tries to stop her from going in and interfering. Kimber, however, isn't listening, but both get stunned by TechRat.
Who Fix has I Yam What I Yam, Popeye doesn't like to talk about his time on the showeBay items of interest...Doctor Who Tom Baker D84 Voc Robot Replica Mask Prop!!
£250.00 (0 Bids) End Date: Thursday Feb-10-2011 17:11:54 GMT Bid now | Add to watch list |
Review's Roundup...
Tea with Morbius has Warriors of the Deep, "this is a yet another review I am going to begin with a comment about how this story was one of the first Target novelisations I read as a nine-year old new fan. Yes, I did and I loved it. How was I to know that it was such an unloved story?, fan opinion has been very harsh with regard to Warriors of the Deep. Many stories with far more significant faults, are dealt with more kindly. I would suggest that this story is far better than popular fan opinion allows....
Blogtor Who has Mara Tales DVD box set, "I should probably state from the outset that Kinda is one of my very favourite Doctor Who stories so I shan't bore you with its obvious qualities (though I am aware that not everyone is a fan of it). For me it neatly demonstrates what makes Peter Davison's Doctor so lurveable: he potters into a situation, creates problems for his companions and bumbles along trying to save himself and his chums, not trying to save the, or a, world....."
The Edwardian Adventurer has 083 – The Steel Trap (Galaxy Four Part 2), we know from music and dialogue cues (and from the few photos that survive) that The Drahvins are supposed to be beautiful. We also know that Maaga believes The Rills to be ugly. At this point, we still have not seen a Rill, so we have to take her word for it. Is this the extent of the story, the subversion of beauty is good and ugly is bad? We’ve already seen this theme explored a bit in The Sensorites, only instead of beauty/ugly, we have human/alien....
Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has Singularity written by James Swallow and directly by Gary Russell, Russia, the near future. The Somnus Foundation knows the fate of mankind; they promise a tomorrow where humanity will evolve into a godlike form of infinite power. They will lead us there, to a destiny that spans the stars. This is how the future will unfold....Podcast Review's...
The Cultdom Collective Podcast has Studio Episode – Welcome Back Ian!, they welcome Ian ‘The6thDoctor’ back & hear his views on recent episodes inc. our review on Dr Who ‘A Christmas Carol’...Outer Space Book and a Pick of the Tweets...
doctor_who_news Competition: Win K9 Series One Volume One on DVD: The Doctor Who News Page is offering winners the chance to win... http://bit.ly/fpPMtu |
alun_vega Added more pics to my Torchwood 4 set, covering the scenes at the "hospital" http://t.co/DoTKgFM [Eve, Kai, Tom; nothing really spoilery] |
classicdw Finished stock just in!! Looking lovely. Available to pre-order now. :-) #cdwark #doctorwho |
Doctor_No1 Last weeks top retweeters for the TN #ff @shalkadoctor @sandiwich11 @doctor_hue |
Spoiler Alert...
Doctor Who Spoilers has Shiver me Timbers! More Charlestown pictures and videos, photographer Keith Martin has posted some wonderful pictures from filming in Charlestown on his blog, as well as a great video of Karen in costume filming parts of her fight scene...
They also have Multi-episode casting update, with filming of Episode Three in quite literally full-swing down in Charlestown, it’s probably about the right time to catch up with a bit cast and crew news…according to his agency website Oscar Lloyd (left) who will be known to Emmerdale viewers as Will Wylde is playing Freddy in an as yet undetermined episode, saying only that he will film his scenes n Cardiff in the next few weeks which means that his scenes could be for Episode Three, but could also be for an episode in the next block of filming. The same website lists Edmond Moulton as playing the role of Adam in Matthew Graham’s two-part tale The Rebel Flesh/Gangers.....
And follow on with Insert Pirate-talk here! Yet more videos from Cornwall!, well, another night in Cornwall can mean only one thing… Yup, that’s more videos!
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