Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BBC Doctor Who - Invasion Week, Day Three: The Drahvins

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Visit the the Drahvins' Monster page now!

During the tumultuous events of The Pandorica Opens, River Song reeled off the list of enemies that were amassing over Stonehenge, converging on the Doctor and his friends. The list included familiar foes such as Daleks, Cybermen and Sycorax, but some species were less well-known, including the Drahvins.

This militaristic race who made their debut in the First Doctor story, Galaxy 4, now have their own monster page where you can find out more about their society and dubious record on sexual equality.

The Drahvins were last seen in 1965, with one newspaper branding them 'the ray-gun blondes'. Although he didn't encounter any male Drahvins, the Doctor discovered that a small number existed, although their levels were kept in check so the men folk would not deplete supplies such as food! When it comes to Drahvins, the female of the species is more deadly than the male...

Tomorrow sees another of the Doctor's oldest enemies invade the site... come back in the morning to find out who!


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