Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday's podcasts, pick of the blogs and reviews


Editor: todays Second Life picture comes from New New York on Who Island, myself and Icie Thursday are shown near Stonehenge.


TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Doctor Who: Christmas 2010, "this 8 min clip is to illistrate and show what we're going to show you at Christmas this year. The Beginning of the End is a working title."

Doctor Who: Adventures in Time, Space and Music has Episode 1 – Introductions, "in this podcast, we’ll sample music from the almost 50 year history of Doctor Who, discussing the technical minutiae involved in the music, how it relates to the story, as well as explore the varied composers and musicians who have worked on the show."

Who Fix has Ian Levine’s DVD Collection, warning - some DVDs may be animated.

TheZoo has Sunday Roast: The Story of Doctor Who, "time to bore you with my Doctor Who obsession — again.  :-)  I found this 2003 documentary, and I thought you might enjoy the old cheese factor of the earlier shows, as well as interesting details about regeneration and the evolution of the various bad guys."


Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has The Wormery written by Paul Magrs and Stephen Cole and directed by Gary Russell, there's one place in creation where the truth really can be found in the bottom of a glass: Bianca's, a very special and very exclusive little club. The Doctor, careworn and seeking quiet distraction, gains admission. But his rest and relaxation is soon shattered by the wobbly arrival of louche trans-temporal adventuress Iris Wildthyme.

The TARDIS Tavern has Episode 29: Flames On the Side of My Face..., "we are honored and pleased to have Katrina from the popular Bridging the Rift podcast joining us as we talk about "Planet of Fire," hot on the heels of its DVD release."

The Vervoid looks at The Transit of Venus by Jacqueline Rayner, the year is 1770, and daring explorer Captain James Cook and his crew on the Endeavour are navigating the Pacific Ocean, and The Prisoner's Dilemma, two prisoners meet in a prison cell. Zara is searching for the segments of the Key to Time; she was only born yesterday but already she’s killed hundreds of people. Ace is more ambitious: she was going to kill everyone on the planet.

Blogtor Who
has Revisitations DVD box set [Part 1], ....of course, most of us just call it the TV Movie (TVM for the lazier). Or McGann's Moment. (Nah, nobody calls it that.) It was interesting to note that on the Doctor Who Confidential, announcing Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor, more time was given to McGann's portrayal of the Time Lord than both Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy combined. A testament to the actor's performance of Gallifrey's finest.

has Review: 'Doctor Who The Visual Dictionary', your first thought is, why on earth are we reviewing this book when it came out last year? The answer is – because this is a brand new edition, incorporating only some of the previous edition’s material and thoroughly revised to incorporate the known exploits of the eleventh Doctor.

The Omega Podcast has released Episode 1-29: School Reunion, Wendell and Wes continue the fun and review the Doctor Who Series Two episode "School Reunion." The two brothers from Minnesota also go over news, feedback from listeners/viewers, and a brand-spanking-new "Five Questions for Who?"

'Who' - Is The Man Cast has episode 6, " I review (badly and not too in depth-ly) the eighth episdoe of season 5 of Doctor Who: Amy's Choice, a little bit more Discworld and feedback, of which I have a lot (and excuse my terrible reading skills)."

Radio Free Skaro has 217 – You Won’t See Me, a commentary on perhaps the best New Series episode made to date, “The Time of Angels”. If you’re going to listen to one episode of Radio Free Skaro, make it this one! (And all the others, too.)

Staggering Stories has Commentary 17: Doctor Who – The End of the World, Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, balhooned, in front of the second episode of the 2005 Doctor Who revival, The End of the World, and spout our usual nonsense!

The Flashing Blade Podcast has 1-67, moons of madness!, by the left frontal lobe of the Sky Demon! Yes, this time around, Jo! and Tony look at The Pirate Planet.

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