BBC The Sarah Jane Adventures has Exclusive Wallpapers, check out Sarah Jane's PC for exclusive Series Four wallpapers.
Express and Star has Win front row tickets to see Doctor Who Live, we’ve teamed up with BBC Worldwide to give one lucky winner a set of four front-row tickets at what promises to be a spectacular show with an out-of-this-world set, optical illusions, live music, special effects and appearances from the show’s scariest and most popular monsters as well as appearances by Nigel Planer in the brand new role of Vorgenson.TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Doctor Who Unearthly Child Totters Lane custom diorama.
Big Finish have uploaded the cover for Doctor Who: The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories.
Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has The Creed of the Kromon written by Philip Martin and directed by Gary Russell, the Interzone is a fearsome nether-world protecting a zone ruled by the Kromon. Theirs is an arid land of dust and dying trees. Across the landscape are spheres that look like giant anthills. The Doctor believes that within one of these structures lie the clues that will lead him to his lost TARDIS. The spheres are ruled by the insect-like Kromon who covet the TARDIS. When Charley is captured she is forced to metamorphosise into a hybrid-insect Queen and so to save her, the Doctor must barter his knowledge of space-travel technology, all the while knowing that he risks opening up all the realms of space to a rapacious race whose creed is not to create, only to plunder.
Shadowlocked reviews The Android Invasion, a classic place of Wrong Time, Wrong Place. Broadcast it in Season 23 or Season 24, and it’d easily be regarded as the best of the season, and would probably enjoy more of a higher standing in fans’ eyes. Lamentably, it got stuck in the middle of one of the greatest seasons of Who, and has since been consigned to the pile of Stories That No One Really Remembers.
The Daily Drew has "The Parting of the Ways", "I don't know where to begin, so I'll just say this: "The Parting of the Ways" is my favorite episode of "Doctor Who" (either series) ever. It's magnificent in scope and conception, and nearly flawless in execution. The regulars, including John Barrowman, put in fantastic performances, and the whole thing has a wonderfully epic feel (aided in large part by Murray Gold's score). Subsequent series finales will try to raise the stakes in various ways, but this will never be topped in the remainder of the RTD era (and hasn't been topped so far in the Moffat era)."
Blastr has 14 awesome Doctor Who season 6 teasers revealed!, "what's the next best thing to getting a brand-new episode of Doctor Who right now? Getting loads of teasers from upcoming episodes! And thanks to two scanned pages from The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who, we have a TON of them."
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