Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sarah Jane Adventures Quiz, Benny's 'Present Danger' cover, plus more news and reviews


The Doctor Who News Page
has Sarah Jane Adventures Quiz, the BBC has announced that a Sarah Jane Adventures Quiz will be available on the BBC Red Button service this October, the quiz will allow viewers to test their memory and observational skills by watching clips from the show and then answering questions put to them by the Bannerman Road Gang. Participants who make the grade then can go to the website and download a special certificate saying they have passed the "Red Button" level of the Sarah Jane Academy.

Big Finish has uploaded the cover for Bernice Summerfield - Present Danger.

TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube
has The Doctor quizzes Cameca - Classic Doctor Who - BBC, a rather besotted Doctor again meets with Cameca in the garden and quizzes her about features of the mysterious temple. Classic Doctor Who clip taken from the four-part story The Aztecs starring William Hartnell.

has Step-by-step blueprints for making your own full-size Dalek, a note from the BBC Press Office sent in the early 1980s to a Doctor Who fan who requested the plans to construct his own Dalek has recently been unearthed by Letters of Note. The BBC did indeed send the plans, along with a warning to the fan (Ronald) that "the constructed Dalek will be used only for personal uses."

The Daily Collegian
has Weekly 'Doctor Who' club attracts British show's fans, the group meets weekly to view episodes of "Doctor Who", president of the club, Elizabeth Bartels said that one of the goals she has for the club this year is to expose members to older episodes of "Doctor Who."

The Daily Drew
has Welcome, New Visitors!, "I don't usually pay much attention to this blog's traffic. It doesn't really get enough to make it worth paying attention to, usually. But I couldn't fail to notice the significant increase in traffic we've experienced this week. Much of this increase is a result of links from TARDIS Newsroom, an outstanding clearing house for "Doctor Who" related content on the internets....." (Editor: cor thanks Drew my cheeks are glowing).

Rich's ComixBlog has Outrage - 12, the Doctor has been taken to "Stingers Sound", the record studio owned by Riot of the "Stingers" (more info about them to come later, promise) and Eric Raymond. There he comes face to face with Eric Raymond and Techrat. He is introduced to the Misfits and he insults Pizzazz, who, reacting explosively, as is her habit, gets herself and the Misfits booted out while Eric and the Doctor have a "business meeting."

Who Fix has Beach Scene, isn't this lovely?


The Daily Drew has "The Unquiet Dead", the first three episodes of this new series combine to form a loosely-connected trilogy that serves as a thorough introduction to the series. On a basic level, just look at the three settings. We started in contemporary London, moved to the far future, and end up in the past.

Blogtor Who has Review: The Specials Soundtrack, how times have changed, how spoiled we fans have become...

Shadowlocked reviews The Sontaran Experiment, spare a thought for the poor old Doctor Who team who returned after a break to start filming on the latest madcap adventure called The Sontaran Experiment  in the September of 1974. Apparently, the crew froze their proverbials off in chilly, wet conditions - which is funny, since my folks always tell me that September 1974 wasn’t too bad for weather - in fact, on the day that I was born, it was something of an Indian Summer. But then judging how the UK’s just gone from boiling hot sunshine to breezy, wet gusts in 24 hours says it all.

has 080 Doctor Who (The Ice Warriors), ICE. It's white, it's slippery, you can skate on it and make beautiful scupltures out of it. It's cool. But what they don't tell you is that it makes you paranoid and convinces you that felt tip beards are the height of fashion. Worst of all... aliens live in it! They live in it forever and ever and ever until you let them out. But you mustn't let them out because the giant green monsters will kill you and then conquer the world with glow in the dark dildoes! Beware! Beware the ice! Beware the Ice! BEWARE THE IIIIIIICE! (ahem) Remember that the next time you want a glass of lemonade.

the propstop's world.... has The Cybermen Invade London…..Filming “more than 30 years in the TARDIS”, November 1993….a great time to be a Dr Who fan. Although the show wasn’t on the air fans did a great job in keeping the show alive.

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