Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finn Jones says 'Matt Smith is an inspiration', Karen Gillan hunted for witch role, plus more News and Reviews

Media_httpi211photobu_bceco has Finn Jones: 'Matt Smith an inspiration as Doctor Who', the newest recruit to The Sarah Jane Adventures, young rising star Finn Jones, has praised Matt Smith and would jump at the chance to return to the Doctor Who universe.

Deadline Press & Picture Agency
has Doctor Who's Karen Gillan hunted for witch role, David Ness has his sights set on Karen Gillan, famous for her role as the Doctor’s assistant in the BBC’s Doctor Who series, for the lead role but hopes he can convince fellow Nairn resident and Oscar winner, Tilda Swinton to also be involved.

Big Finish
have uploaded the trailer for 5.05 Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles - A Town Called Fortune.

The Doctor Who News Page has Mervyn Haisman, we are saddened to report the death of the writer Mervyn Haisman, ....forming a partnership with Henry Lincoln where together they penned three Doctor Who stories for the Patrick Troughton era of the serie The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear....


Inky Adventures in Time and Space has Seal the tunnel! It shall become their tomb!, together with Ticon and Sarah-Jane, the Doctor is travelling at fantastic subterrainean speed aboard the hijacked Dalek drilling vehicle, as the incredible machine noses deeper and deeper beneath the surface of Ercos, the Doctor voices a terrible theory...

has Root 1 Dalek 0, Death To The Daleks, Jon Pertwee's third and final television encounter with the dreaded Daleks, received no less than ten screenings on British satellite channel UK Gold...

The Flashing Blade Podcast has Episode 1-72, situation Vacant, Sarah Jane Smith and those pesky kids. No dog. Awww.

Who Fix has Happy Halloween, Excellent!

Newsarama has Agent of S.T.Y.L.E.: Doctor Who’s Tardis of Fashion, who is the Doctor? Fair question. Long ago on the planet Gallifrey, a scientist of noble blood named Rassilon worked with others and successfully mastered time travel. The noble clans and houses of Gallifrey now saw themselves as “Lords of Time.”

Katy Manning Official website has Update from Katy, "Hello!  So sorry website hasn't been updated as much as I would like - life keeps interupting!!  However - the explosion of pictures you'll experuence during the coming week might amuse and make up for it...."


The Tardis Project has "The Exploding Planet", gasping, Steven replies he'd rather face the Chumblies than the Drahvins, and he reaches for the switch to open the outer door...but nothing happens! Maaga laughs, telling Steven that the outer door will no longer open, the pressure inside the airlock is too low! He must surrender, or he will die! Steven, gasping, collapses to the airlock floor...

Staggering Stories Podcast
has released 89: The Man of Nightmares, talk about the Sarah Jane Adventures: The Nightmare Man and Mark Gatiss’ First Men in the Moon, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff...

Radio Free Skaro has uploaded 222 – Golden Slumbers, the Series 5 Commentary series rears its head once again as the Three Who Rule tackle fan favourite Amy’s Choice with much glee and delectation. More fan enjoyment came this past week in the form of Death of the Doctor, featuring Matt Smith’s return as the Doctor in the latest installment of The Sarah Jane Adventures.


Doctor Who Spoilers has Silence is Tall – Casting news for Episodes One and Two, at the end of Series Five River Song was trapped in the TARDIS by an unseen force as a rasping voice declared that “Silence will fall”. This plot thread was left tantalisingly unresolved at the end of the series and Steven Moffat recently teased that in the forthcoming series “We’re going into the silence and what they are…”

Doctor Who & SJA - This is Halloween

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See more at

Dalek Halloween costume

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Uwe and Chris Oehler of Guelph, ON, built this 5' Dalek costume, basing their initial design on the "official" blueprints found on Make: Online.

My son and I make a Halloween costume each year. In the past he's been such things as an astronaut, a steam punk robot, a kid with a fish eating his head, and in 2009 Boba Fett. This year we tried for our most ambitious costume yet; a DALEK from the popular TV series "Dr Who".

Halloween costumes only have to last a few days so I've always been one to build using the cheapest materials I can find. Usually this means using discarded cardboard boxes, some acrylic or spray paint, and a roll of tape. This year we splurged and added styrofoam balls and some caster wheels.

The DALEK stands about 5' tall and fits my 11 year old son well. Standing inside he can easily peer through the vision slots we cut into the bottom of the domed head.


Doctor Who: Scares and Thrills (Halloween remix)

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See more at

Pumpinks are cool by TimeMord

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A little (funny?XD) sketch to wish all an Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Complete Fifth Series Blu-ray Clip, plus more News and Reviews


Todays 'Second Life' picture come from the Newsroom's Paradox Island, Halloween has arrived.

Our Google Calender has been updated with next week UK TV and Radio Guide, click the Agenda button for easy viewing.


MovieWeb has Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series Blu-ray Clip, we have a brand new exclusive clip from Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series, which will be released on DVD and Blu-ray November 9. Click below to watch this scene featuring the new Doctor Matt Smith trying to convince a colleague that these particular robots are aliens.

Living Life Through Watching has Doctor Who - The Russell T. Davies Era, for my first post, I thought my best choice to talk about is my newest obsession which has come from having way too much free time since graduating college back in May ‘09...

Earth Station One has Episode 31 – Hey, Do you want to see something really scary?, on this weeks show we will be reviewing the Doctor Who story “The Talons of Weng-Chiang featuring the 4th Doctor and Lela, then to help celebrate the season we will be gathering up our friends Bobby and Kat and have a roundtable discussion to talk about Movies that really scared us.

Periscope Studio has Doctor Who, here’s the latest progress on Jesse Hamm’s commission

Who Fix has Ty Phoo Who, total cost of collecting all the cards, the wallchart and the book: £12,000 (1976 money).

Blogtor Who has Actress Wishlist for Series 6/7, there follows a list of eleven actresses that would be trouser-tighteningly delightful to see join Matt, Karen and the other bloke in their journeys in the TARDIS during 2011 and who they could possibly play...


Radio Free Skaro - The Chronic Hysteresis has 7C2 - The Trial of a Time Lord 10, some of the flaws of this segment of Trial start to manifest in this episode. The characters are very broadly drawn out in this story, and we get to know one of them, Professor Lasky, a great deal more than we wanted to. Lasky is brash, but no one is that brash. It's like writers Pip and Jane Baker have gone well out of their way to show how rude and belligerent she is.

The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast
has released Episode 26, this episode was rather thrown together while the family were on holiday in Pontins Southport, reviving memories of Delta and the Bannermen, and we try and talk about the second SJA story and play a review of The Nightmare Man with Maddy.

US WhoCast has Episode 018: Review of S1E09-10 Part 1, the Hurricane of Feedback, Len Ramsey, joins Matt for part one of a two part review of S1E09 "The Empty Child" and S1E10 "The Doctor Dances".

Behind the Sofa
has All these places had their moments...., Stuart Ian Burns witnessed Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor.

The Edwardian Adventurer
has 011 – The Rescue, in which The Thals and The Daleks have their final confrontation. “Every problem has a solution.” We left Ian clinging to a rock on the edge of a cliff and Antodus hanging from a rope below.

The Cloister Room has Episode 012 - Poor Doctor, this week is the David Tennant story "Midnight".

Two-minute Time Lord has 2MTL 172: Top Gear meets Doctor Who in "Max Warp", right there at the intersection of the Venn diagram between the gearheads and the Whovians is Big Finish's Eighth Doctor Adventure, "Max Warp." Does this Top Gear parody spin out or catch fire?

The Vervoid reviews Big Finish's Cyberman 2, across the planet, the silver legions stand impassive in every city; mankind has sacrificed its freedoms for the sake of a distant conflict against its android creations, and now the price must be paid.

Brighton comedian's scary Halloween treats

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Most party hosts ask their guests to bring along a bottle but Mark Allen’s request is a little more elaborate.

The 33-year-old comedian is hosting a scary vegetable Halloween party in Brighton.

But these are no simple Jack-o-Lanterns carved from pumpkins.

Instead Mr Allen, of Sussex Square, Brighton, and his guests over the years have created all manner of evil figures including a Dalek made of a gourd, an aubergine, peas, string beans, radishes, sweet potatoes and a marrow and a Gremlin from a cauliflower, potatoes, chestnuts, a butternut squash and a baby gem lettuce.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Rakta Charitra Telugu Movie Online

Rakta Charitra Telugu Movie Online. Rakta Charitra wаѕ released Friday іn three versions Hindi, Telugu аnd Tamil. Itѕ second раrt wіll bе screened οn 19th November. It іѕ real life ѕtοrу οf Andhra Pradesh politician Paritala Ravindra whο wаѕ assassinated іn 2005. Thе horror аnd serious film maker Ram Gopal Verma іѕ receiving rave reviews fοr hіѕ latest film. TDP activists аrе protesting tο delete ѕοmе scenes whісh рοrtrауѕ party founder іn negative role.

Rakta Charitra sees thе return οf thе duo thаt set thе screen οn fire іn Company many years ago. And thеn everything wеnt awry especially fοr Vivek Oberoi.

BBC Doctor Who - The Night After Hallowe'en: Prologue

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By Mark B. Oliver

Justin shivered, as the wind whipped around him. Instinctively he pulled his parka hood further across his face, he was very cold, and very lost.

'Thank heavens the moon's bright,' he muttered to himself as he glanced upwards. The moonlight cast eerie shadows around the forest he had been trudging through for hours.

'Mum is never gonna let me forget this,' he sighed. After all, she had warned him not to go hiking alone. 'Poor Mum, she's probably worried sick.' He should have been home hours ago but somehow had wandered off the path and had been struggling to find his way out of the trees ever since. Pulling his compass from his pocket, Justin held it up to the moonlight but it just wasn't bright enough to make the needle out clearly. Exasperated, he put it away and continued to weave through the forest.

The wind suddenly picked up, great gusts that newly blew him over. And then it dawned on him.

'That's not wind.' Glancing up he could see a dark object flying just above the tree line; the branches smoldering from the heat. Realizing that it was going to crash, Justin started to run. The pilot and passengers were going to need help. The noise was deafening as the craft passed overhead and sprinting now, Justin struggled to keep up. Ahead of him, he could hear a deafening roar as it plummeted towards the forest; there was an almighty splash and then silence.

Justin raced into a clearing, a large lake lay before him, but there was no sign of any airplane, no wreckage, no noise even. It was as though the entire world had fallen silent.

'Surely it can't be that deep?' Frantically he glanced around, slipping his rucksack off his back as he did so, dropping it to the ground. Sweating profusely, he unzipped his parka and made his way to the water's edge. The water was perfectly still, the moonlight reflecting off the mirror-like surface.

The young man, sank to the ground, his feet stretched out before him. Had he imagined it? Was he that tired? Dehydrated maybe? Slowly his breathing returned to normal as he calmed down. The lake looked beautiful in the moonlight; so peaceful. Justin pulled his mobile from his rucksack - maybe he would finally have a signal.

'Yes!' he exclaimed with relief. Just half a bar, but if he kept very still... As he dialed his mum, he could see a fish swimming by the water's edge, just underneath the surface of the water. He turned his attention back to his mobile. 'Come on, come on.'

Without warning a gnarled, bony hand reached up from the water and grabbed his ankle, holding it tight. Terrified, Justin dropped his phone and tried to break free, but whatever had him was immensely strong. Using his other leg and his hands he tried desperately to clamber away, but the grip was too tight. To his horror, it was pulling him into the lake. He tried to scream out, but no sound would come. He tried in vain to find something to grab onto, anything, but his fingers just clawed at the soft dirt. He was on his back, up to his waist in water, being dragged in.

On the bank, his discarded mobile lay in the soil.

'Justin, Justin, is that you?' But Justin was gone, the lake quiet and calm once more. 'If this is one of your Hallowe'en pranks I'm really not impressed, young man. You might find it funny...' The words were beginning to sound desperate over the still, silent water. 'But nobody's laughing.'

Don't forget to come back on Monday for The Night After Hallowe'en: Part One.


SJA - Make Your Own Attic, plus a Pick of the Blogs and Reviews


BBC Sarah Jane Adventures has Revealed: Make Your Own - Attic

  • Make your own SJA attic at home and create your own Sarah Jane scenes.


the pen is mightier than the spork (James Moran) has Torchwood Magazine - the "lost" season 2 episodes, "I've often talked about how I got the job originally, and that I had 3 pitches for episodes, one of which became Sleeper. But what were the other two? What was the original, slightly different outline like? What changes were made? And how was Gwen nearly killed by cheese?"

Who Fix has Nestle’s Masterplan, their plan involved hooking children on chocolate so they could see how the story ended...


SFX has...

  • DVD Review The Sarah Jane Adventures, series three, for a children’s show broadcast at weekday teatimes, The Sarah Jane Adventures continues to be a surprisingly profound experience. Like parent show Doctor Who, its ET-battling tales of derring-do reach above and beyond simple adventure, and are studded with heart-wrenching meditations on mortality, love and loss – often in just a throwaway line.

  • Book Review Wiped! Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes – Richard Molesworth, first things first: if you’re thinking of buying this for your nephew to go with that Dalek bubble bath this Christmas, there’s going to be one very disappointed face come 25 December.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 010 – The Ordeal, in which Ian, Barbara, and some Thals traverse many dangers, toils, and snares. And The Doctor smashes things.

Pharos Project has released 27: Halloween Special, the team take a look at the wonderful "Brain of Morbius", the Frankenstein story as viewed through the filter of Doctor Who.

HeroPress has....

  • K9: Robot Gladiators, when one of Darius' contacts tip him off to an illegal underground robot 'fight club', he and K9 go undercover - with the metal mutt posing as a wannabe contestant and Darius as his promoter.

  • K9: Mind Snap, ah, the inevitable 'clip' episode! Mind Snap is K9's answer to the money-saving 'Doctor-lite' episodes of the Russell T Davies era of Doctor Who.

Tea with Morbius has Exile (Big Finish Unbound Adventure), what if the Doctor regenerated into a woman to escape the Time Lords?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Empty Planet Jigsaw, Andy leads Doctor Who invasion force, Resurrection of Mars Cover, plus more News and reviews


BBC Sarah Jane Adventures has The Empty Planet Jigsaw.
Can you build a picture of these robots?


Rutherglen Reformer has Andy leads Doctor Who invasion force, Andrew Smith’s second Doctor Who story has been released this month - 30 years after his initial tale, the former Stonelaw High School pupil was the writer of Full Circle, which was was first broadcast in four weekly parts from October 25 to November 15, 1980, his second story, The Invasion of E-Space, was released on CD last week, 30 years to the month after his first story was broadcast on TV.

The Doctor Who News Page has US DVD Release Dates, in August we reported that, for the first time, the rights to release the story outside the UK had been obtained by 2|entertain. The feature length episode is the only televised adventure of the Eighth Doctor played by Paul McGann.

Big Finish
have uploaded the cover for Doctor Who: The Resurrection of Mars.

TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Death of the Doctor The Memories, basically a Montage of all of the Memory videos that featured in The Sarah Jane Adventures Death of the Doctor, enjoy!

BBC Press Office has The Sarah Jane Adventures – Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith Eps 11 and 12/12, Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November at 5.15-5.45pm CBBC

  • Sarah Jane faces her saddest day, as she realises that no one can defend the Earth forever, as the alien-busting adventure series concludes. She's saved the world so many times but must now hand over the task to safer hands. Clyde and Rani are distraught, and the forces of darkness gather as the inevitable day approaches.

  • Sarah Jane has gone – but a new regime begins at Bannerman Road! Clyde and Rani must face the fact that nothing lasts for ever – but can they still unite as a team, to face a new and deadly threat from Outer Space? Or is the old gang finished for good?

  • Sarah Jane is played by Elisabeth Sladen, Clyde by Daniel Anthony and Rani by Anjli Mohindra.

  • This two-part adventure is repeated on BBC One at 4.30pm on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 November.


The Oodcast has a Guide to… Silurians and Sea Devils, erroneously named and similar in many ways, these two ancient subterranean species are often referred to as “cousins”, so the guide will treat them as one. The Silurians having once ruled the planet with their Sea Devil relations acting as the foot soldiers (presumably to keep dinosaurs in check…)

Who Fix has Telebird, thankfully, John's research into The Newcomers wasn't a complete waste of time.

Making My Tennant Coat has New TARDIS in town, "on my recent London tours, I have taken friends to see the three surviving Police Boxes and Posts around town: the Box at Earls Court; the Post at Picadilly Circus (see left); and the Post at St Martins Le Grande, but now there is a new Box in town.....


Tim's Take On has released Episode 42 (Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of The Doctor review), "my first thoughts review and some coverage of this episode's premier at the BFI a couple of weeks ago."

Classic World has Wartime (1987) (Dr Who Spin-off), Warrant Officer John Benton, a long-serving member of the United Nations Intelligence Taksforce (UNIT), is distracted from his mission to deliver valuable radioactive material to UNIT HQ by ghostly visions of his father, who was killed during World War 2, and his brother Chris, who died as a result of a childhood game that went wrong. Can Benton face these demons of his past and recover to prevent the theft of the radioactive material?

The Daily P.O.P. has Doctor Who Action Figure Reviews – Regenerations 2, the new line of action figures from Character Options is a Doctor Who fan’s dream and nightmare combined.

Tea with Morbius has All-Consuming Fire, by Andy Lane (Virgin New Adventure), the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice team up with Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson and tangle with an eldritch entity.

The Edwardian Adventurer
has 009 – The Expedition, in which Ian teaches The Thals the way of the fist! Also, Susan climbs a tree.


Doctor Who Spoilers
has Big Yellow Taxi’s and Who’s That Girl?, Tuesday once again saw filming stretching across multiple locations.

Doctor Who Adventures, Issue 190, is out now (28 October)

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Brr! If you're feeling chilly, we've got the perfect free gift this week - an amazing Doctor Who beanie hat!

As it's Halloween on Sunday, we've added extra scares to this week's mag! There's a spooky guide to the witchiest witches in Doctor Who, and a scaly monster mask to cut out and wear - if you dare! You can also find out about the latest episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures and read a cool interview with actress Katy Manning, who plays Jo Jones.


BBC Doctor Who: The Doctor Returns the Night after Hallowe'en

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If you thought Hallowe'en was scariest night of the year, think again...

What happens to all the monster masks, scary spiders, broomsticks and plastic skeletons that don't get sold before October 31st? The Doctor is about to find out as he faces a nightmarish threat to humanity.

In a new, exclusive story the Doctor is back on Earth for an adventure that begins tomorrow and continues all next week with a heart-pounding finale on bonfire night - Friday, November 5th.

It's written by Mark B. Oliver, whose previous work includes the spine-tingling, The Advent of Fear so be warned! If you always considered Hallowe'en to be a night of frights, wait until you discover the truth about The Night After Hallowe'en!


National Space Center: Movie Mania 4

Meet the stars of your favourite movies from the 6th to the 7th November as over one hundred characters from Star Wars, Batman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ghostbusters, Stargate, X-Men and many more take over the National Space Centre.....Including Kai Owen on Sunday

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Torchwood Sunday

Sunday 7 November


Kai Owen - Rhys Williams is the devoted husband of Gwen and occasionally helps save the world.

WETA Doctor Who Statue's from Forbidden Planet

Dalek's Destruction


Order from Forbidden Planet
Beneath the Salt Plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race.

Cyber Controller


Order from Forbidden Planet
The Cybermen take control of London and start converting the populace.
While Jackie falls under Lumic’s control, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey are reduced to fugitives in a world of terror!

The Master And Auton


Order from Forbidden Planet
This stunning piece is from the eighth series of Doctor Who with the third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee, and taken from the episode ‘Terror of the Autons’, originally broadcast in 1971!

The Doctor And Davros


Order from Forbidden Planet
This piece is from the story 'Genesis of the Daleks' starring Tom Baker as the fourth Doctor.

Helmet: Cyberman Leader


Order from Forbidden Planet
On a freight-hauling spacecraft in the year 2526, the Doctor finds himself the object of vengeance sought by the leader of a detachment of armoured Cybermen who are engaged in plans for a pre-emptive strike against the Earth.

Helmet: Industrial Welding Mask


Order from Forbidden Planet
The Industrial Welding Mask is made from cast metal and comes with a polystone display stand. It was created by Weta model maker and Doctor Who fan, David Tremont.

Helmet: Lord President Borusa Head Dress


Order from Forbidden Planet
Holder of the most powerful office on Gallifrey, the home planet of the Time Lords, the proud Lord President Borusa bears an elaborate head-dress of white and gold, the customary mantle of the Time Lord elite.

Helmet: Sontaran Officer Linx


Order from Forbidden Planet

The Sontaran Officer Linx Helmet is made from cast metal and comes with a polystone display stand. It was created by Weta model maker and Doctor Who fan, David Tremont.

Helmet: Ice Warrior


Order from Forbidden Planet
Inside a T-Mat relay station on the Moon, a battle is underway between the Doctor and his human allies, and the invading Martian Ice Warriors.

Helmet: Sycorax


Order from Forbidden Planet
The Sycorax Helmet is a heavy piece, made from cast metal and comes with a polystone display stand. It was modeled by Weta veteran and Doctor Who afficionado, David Tremont.

All statues are due for release on the 15th November 2010

The Omega Podcast Desktop Background: Cybermen

A new desktop background I put together after finding the new Cybermen artwork by Dean Fraser. Thanks, Dean!


E-mail if you would like a higher-res version to use.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode 48

Click the link to listen


A bit of news and a review of the Kamelion Tales box set

Took us a while to review this set as the box kept changing shape

After James and Trevor discuss a bit of news that took their fancy recently, they switch to review mode and take a look at the Kamelion Tales box set, a box set comprising The Kings Demons and Planet of Fire.

By a staggering coincidence, these two stories chronicle the sum total contribution the fifth Doctor companion Kamelion provided to Doctor Who during his entire year.

We talk about these two stories and also what you can expect in this release.

Lets us know what you think at


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Draconian by Harnois75

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Portrait of the Draconian Prince from the Doctor Who story Frontier in Space (1973)

Children in Need has a Sneak 'Who' preview

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BBC's Children in Need spectacular live appeal show returns on Friday 19 November at 7pm on BBC One, with a variety of entertainment acts, all doing their bit to raise money for disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

Hosted by Terry Wogan and Tess Daly the seven-hour show will come live from BBC Television Centre and will feature some of the UK's top TV, musical and theatrical personalities and acts.

Highlights on the night include:

  • A sneak preview of the Doctor Who Christmas special

John Barrowman will present this year's extravaganza from Glasgow where the cast of hit musical We Will Rock You will be among the acts joining Pudsey at the SECC as Children in Need Rocks.


David Tennant Fundraising Merchandise from Headway Essex


Click here for more information and ordering details

Spend the night with David or keep him close to you heart!

David Tennant the Patron of Headway Essex has exclusively designed a fantastic doodle to raise funds for the brain injury charity.

If you want to keep David close to your heart the David Doodle T-shirt is just what you need! These t-shirts are the ultimate Ethical shirt made from organic cotton. They come in both male and female fit with a full range of sizes. Headway Essex is raising funds by selling the t-shirts for £22 each. Delivery is free.

For the more adventurous among you, you could always rest your head and ‘Dream with David’ on your very own David Doodle Pillowcase! This contemporary style black doodle on a white cotton mix pillowcase looks fabulous. Headway Essex is raising funds by selling each pillowcase for £10. Delivery is free.

Today’s Comics - Doctor Who 16 (BW Media Spotlight)

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final issue of this series, but a new series is coming with Doctor #11

The terraforming machine is active and remaking the world. Robert is killed by the device, and Lau’Tan sacrifices himself to restore the colony’s force field. The big sacrifice comes from Matthew, who sacrifices himself and takes the Advocate with him, saving everyone. This is tied into the origin of the Tef’Aree, and the Doctor gives Emily a new life before heading to Mars.

Christmas Special to be previewed at the BFI, Cardiff Competition, plus more News and Reviews


The Christmas Doctor Who Special is going to be previewed at the British Film Institute on the 13th December and will include a 'Questions & Answers' session with the cast and crew.


Cardiff International Arena has a Doctor Who Competition...
Your chance to win a family ticket (4tickets) and a Meet and Greet for Saturday 30th October 7pm show.
Simply answer the question below and email your name and contact number to:

  • Q) What is the name of the actress who currently plays the role of The Doctors companion? (a)Karen Walker, (b)Karen Carpenter, or (c)Karen Gillan.
Closing date is Thursday 28th October at 3pm.


Bleeding Cool has The Doctor Now Has Five Hundred And Seven Regenerations, it was just a throwaway line in the latest episode of Sarah Jane Adventures...


Den of Geek has The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Empty Planet gallery, as the latest Matt Smith-starring The Sarah Jane Adventures story brings the show yet more viewers, catch a glimpse at what’s in store for us all next week right here…

The Doctor Who News Page has Telegraph Update, due to unforeseen circumstances, the free download of False Gods reported earlier this week - planned for this coming Saturday’s edition of The Telegraph - has been postponed.

BBC Kent has Dr Who cottage is brother's tribute to lifelong fan, a 19th Century cottage in the Romney Marsh has become a brother's tribute to a fan of Doctor Who.


The Doctor Who. Retold has Doctor Who and the Crossover Conference, "..and then the Doctor Who says: 'Get out of my Tardis you baked old bat. Back to the Amazon with you, Jo'. Credits roll. Da-dah!" Wide-eyed, RTD settled his enormous frame back in his chair, looking equally enormously pleased with himself.

Who Fix has Mr. Bean, another wonderful scan from Simon Guerrier and Get Down to Our Price!, supplied by Simon Harries

The Ood Cast has Guide to… The Sontarans, leather jacketed baked potatoes with a general disposition to violence and long-lasting warfare, often quoted as being short, stocky and unbelievably powerful due to the extreme gravitational pressure on their home world: Sontar. Their chief impulse is to die with honour in battle, and therefore frequently try to construct reasons to fight anything that steps in their way.


ATV News has What we learned from Death of the Doctor, the two-part Sarah Jane Adventures story Death of the Doctor was brimming with continuity references and nods to the past for long-term Doctor Who fans....

HeroPress has...

  • The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death Of The Doctor, a squad of UNIT troopers roll up outside 13 Bannerman Road, much to Sarah Jane's disgust, to inform her that her old friend The Doctor is dead.

  • K9: Liberation, "I literally stumbled across a middle-of-the-night screening of the second episode of K9 last night..."

Guardian Unlimited has Doctor Who: Matt Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures, Russell T Davies's nostalgia-friendly Death of The Doctor saw Sarah Jane joined by Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor and Pertwee-era companion Jo Grant - and a revelation about how many times the Doctor can regenerate.

Dislocated Life has “This song is ending, but the story never ends …”, The last time Sarah Jane Smith laid eyes on her time-traveling friend the Doctor he was standing grimly outside his TARDIS, in the midst of making his “victory lap” to visit his friends and help them all out one last time as the man they knew from four years of journeys through time and space.

Den Of Geek has The Sarah Jane Adventures series 3 DVD review, with the newest series of The Sarah Jane Adventures currently airing on both CBBC and BBC One, it's time to look back at the previous year's run with the now obligatory pre-Christmas complete DVD release.

Infinite Hollywood has Doctor Who Morbius Creature Review, today we're looking at the Frankenstein-like monster from the very Hammer Horror influenced 4th Doctor episode, The brain of Morbuis. I actually reviewed the DVD of this serial back in August, so I was excited to come full circle and review the toy of the monster from this episode.

Tea with Morbius has The Claws of Axos, the Third Doctor and Jo help UNIT deal with alien invaders, but the Master gets involved (again..).

Classical Gallifrey has Serial 93: The Invisible Enemy, firmly rooted in mediocre Doctor Who, perhaps elevated again by the script editing of Robert Holmes (as we'll see as well in the next few weeks) but also lowered by the newly arrived takeover by Graham Williams as producer.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 008 -The Ambush, Temmosus is slaughtered by The Daleks, his corpse falling into the food that was used to lure The Thals into the city. These Daleks seem to be a bit of an untrustworthy group.


The Doctor Who News Page has Filming roundup 26th October, it was back to Cardiff today, with filming taking place in two locations during the course of the day.

BBC Sarah Jane Adventures - Revealed: Interview with Russell T Davies

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We sit down with Russell T Davies to find out how he approached writing his new SJA story.


BBC Doctor Who: Interview with Russell T Davies

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To celebrate the Doctor's reunion with Sarah Jane and Jo Grant, the SJA website reveals an exclusive interview with Death of the Doctor writer, Russell T Davies at 4pm today.

The former Doctor Who Executive Producer is on great form as he discusses writing for the Eleventh Doctor, bringing back Jo Grant, creating the Shansheeth and stepping back into the Time Lord's world. The interview goes live at 4pm today, but in case you can't wait until then, here's a sneaky preview...

Q: Out of all the Doctor's companions who could have appeared in the episodes, why did you choose Jo Grant to come back and help Sarah Jane and the Doctor save the day?

Russell: Well, I would have had them all, if we'd had the money! But Jo and Sarah Jane just seem to fit together, in my mind - probably because I was that viewer, watching at 10 years old, when Lis replaced Katy.

And once Sarah Jane had arrived - trivia time here, fact fans - they did a story with Sarah Jane and the Third Doctor, called Planet of the Spiders, in which Jo wrote the Doctor a letter from the Amazon. Now that sounds tiny. But in those days, old companions never did things like that, never. Never ever! Once gone, they'd never be mentioned again. So to me, as a kid, that was huge, and meant that Jo really was part of Sarah Jane's world. It's funny, that little scene, I loved it so much when I was young that it informed my entire thinking on Doctor Who, since I brought it back in 2005. That people who are gone, aren't really gone. Just like life.

Don't forget, you can read more about the Doctor Who references in part one of Death of the Doctor and find out more about Jo Grant. If you missed Death of the Doctor, watch it from the SJA website now!


Torchwood Magazine Issue 24 Cover

Time War 2010 with Doctor Who


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Time War 2010 with Doctor Who

The Doctor and his crew return to Magna for 2010!

Fancy crossing paths with cybermen, timelords and daleks? Then this is the event for you! A 'Doctor Who' event raising money for the BBC's 'Children In Need' appeal with Magna Science Adventure Centre.

Take a look at last years event:

Tickets to the Timewars event include two shows 'An Audience with the Daleks' at 11.40am and 'Timewars' at 2pm, access to the inside of the Tardis, meet people who make Daleks, monster making workshops and replica's from the show which we will be open from 10am.

You can purchase an online magna ticket which includes access to this event or you can buy tickets on the day of your visit.


Doctor Who Adventures: Your choice


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The Dream Lord demands you choose your favourite Doctor Who moment...

Oh no! The Doctor Who Adventures team are caught in a fiendish trap. Are we busy packing the next issue full of exciting new puzzles, jokes and foolishness? Or have we moved to Upper Leadworth and all grown ponytails? We don't know! Aaaargh!

While we work that out, the Dream Lord has a fiendish choice for you. He's chosen one scene from each of this year's Doctor Who adventures - and all you have to do is choose your favourite.
He says it's impossible!

Whichever you decide, let us know at with MY CHOICE in the subject line - and don't forget to include a picture of yourself so we can feature you in the magazine.

That is, if we're not still trapped in Leadworth!

Choose from:

HE'S BEHIND YOU! from The Eleventh Hour

  • While the Doctor is handcuffed to a radiator, Amy explores the hidden room, where Prisoner Zero is hiding!

BASICALLY, I RULE! from The Beast Below

  • The Doctor and Amy are covered in sick and cornered by the Smilers when - pow! pow! pow! - Liz 10 comes to their rescue.

NO, I DON'T WANT TEA! from Victory of the Daleks

  • The Doctor refuses a cup of tea and goes a bit crazy at the khaki Dalek!

THE TRAP from The Time of Angels

  • The amazing episode cliffhanger ending where the Doctor refuses to give in!

TIME WIMEY #2 from Flesh and Stone

  • The Doctor sneaks back from episode 13 to tell Amy to remember him!

TEETH AND CLAWS from The Vampires of Venice

  • The Doctor confronts a room full of vampire girls - and tries to stop them with his library card!

ICE NOT NICE from Amy's Choice

  • The TARDIS freezes up, and so do the Doctor, Amy and Rory!

LET ME IN! from The Hungry Earth

  • Eliot is locked outside the church as the Silurians attack!

LOOK TO THE FUTURE from Cold Blood

  • Amy sees her future self, lonely up on the hillside, and the Doctor examines the piece of exploded TARDIS.

SEE ME! from Vincent and the Doctor

  • The Doctor pretends he can see the Krafayis - and is sent flying!

WAIT, COME BACK! from The Lodger

  • Oops. The TARDIS takes off without the Doctor!

I! AM! TALKING! from The Pandorica Opens

  • The Doctor makes a speech to all the spaceships gathered over Stonehenge.

TIMEY WIMEY #1 from The Big Bang

  • The Doctor, with his mop and fez, keeps zipping back in time! (Fezzes are, apparently, cool.)


Doctor Who - Demon Quest: Sepulchre v. 5 Cover


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The fifth exciting adventure in a brand new series of linked multi-voice adventures for the Doctor and friends, based on characters from the classic TV series. It is written by the acclaimed novelist Paul Magrs. Further details to be confirmed.