Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doctor Who Adventures: Your choice


Amplify’d from

The Dream Lord demands you choose your favourite Doctor Who moment...

Oh no! The Doctor Who Adventures team are caught in a fiendish trap. Are we busy packing the next issue full of exciting new puzzles, jokes and foolishness? Or have we moved to Upper Leadworth and all grown ponytails? We don't know! Aaaargh!

While we work that out, the Dream Lord has a fiendish choice for you. He's chosen one scene from each of this year's Doctor Who adventures - and all you have to do is choose your favourite.
He says it's impossible!

Whichever you decide, let us know at with MY CHOICE in the subject line - and don't forget to include a picture of yourself so we can feature you in the magazine.

That is, if we're not still trapped in Leadworth!

Choose from:

HE'S BEHIND YOU! from The Eleventh Hour

  • While the Doctor is handcuffed to a radiator, Amy explores the hidden room, where Prisoner Zero is hiding!

BASICALLY, I RULE! from The Beast Below

  • The Doctor and Amy are covered in sick and cornered by the Smilers when - pow! pow! pow! - Liz 10 comes to their rescue.

NO, I DON'T WANT TEA! from Victory of the Daleks

  • The Doctor refuses a cup of tea and goes a bit crazy at the khaki Dalek!

THE TRAP from The Time of Angels

  • The amazing episode cliffhanger ending where the Doctor refuses to give in!

TIME WIMEY #2 from Flesh and Stone

  • The Doctor sneaks back from episode 13 to tell Amy to remember him!

TEETH AND CLAWS from The Vampires of Venice

  • The Doctor confronts a room full of vampire girls - and tries to stop them with his library card!

ICE NOT NICE from Amy's Choice

  • The TARDIS freezes up, and so do the Doctor, Amy and Rory!

LET ME IN! from The Hungry Earth

  • Eliot is locked outside the church as the Silurians attack!

LOOK TO THE FUTURE from Cold Blood

  • Amy sees her future self, lonely up on the hillside, and the Doctor examines the piece of exploded TARDIS.

SEE ME! from Vincent and the Doctor

  • The Doctor pretends he can see the Krafayis - and is sent flying!

WAIT, COME BACK! from The Lodger

  • Oops. The TARDIS takes off without the Doctor!

I! AM! TALKING! from The Pandorica Opens

  • The Doctor makes a speech to all the spaceships gathered over Stonehenge.

TIMEY WIMEY #1 from The Big Bang

  • The Doctor, with his mop and fez, keeps zipping back in time! (Fezzes are, apparently, cool.)


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