Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have the new Daleks been dumped?, Writer's Guild award nomination, make your own Fez, plus more blogs and reviews


The Sun has 'Teletubby' Daleks given boot, Doctor Who bosses have ditched the new multi-coloured Daleks - after a fans' backlash (Editor: the Sun seem's to be off on a misquote again).

Den of Geek has Doctor Who: have the new Daleks been dumped?, are the redesigned Daleks getting the heave-ho from Doctor Who? Or has a tabloid bolted together a few quotes to try and make a story that may not be there?

TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Doctor Stew Episode Two Teaser Two.

BBC Doctor Who
has Death of the Doctor, the Doctor returns in the next episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures, which you can catch on the CBBC Channel on Monday, 5.15pm.

BBC The Sarah Jane Adventures has Trailer Maker, brand new clips added, let's see how creative you can be.

Big Finish have uploaded the cover for Doctor Who: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster.

The Doctor Who News Page has...

  • Doctor Who Magazine 427, the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine looks in detail at next weeks story in The Sarah Jane Adventures which not only features Matt Smith as The Doctor, but also sees the return of Katy Manning to the role of Jo Jones (nee Grant) some 36 years since she left the series.

  • Writer's Guild award nomination, as with last year, Doctor Who is nominated for an award from The Writer's Guild of Great Britain. All series five writers are included within the nomination for Best Television Drama Series - Steven Moffat, Toby Whithouse, Simon Nye, Mark Gatiss, and Chris Chibnall.


TARDIS Bluebox
has found Make Your Own Fez, Fezzes are Cool, "I was checking out my facebook page, when I stumbled upon Steampunk's post Make your own fez!"

Blogtor Who
has Actor Wishlist for Series 6/7, as production on Series 6 of The World's Greatest TV Show continues unabaited, one begins to wonder just who will be joining Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill on their adventures in time and space.

Watchall3D has some Dr Who Wallpapers.


HeroPress has The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault Of Secrets, after last week's solid series opener, The Nightmare Man, The Sarah Jane Adventures shot for the moon this week with The Vault Of Secrets and delivered a funny, intelligent and thoughtful story that managed to bring in some real world attitudes to UFOs and aliens in a very convincing fashion.

Total Sci Fi has The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Vault Of Secrets Part 2 (Series 4, Episode 4), chases and effects galore in this fun but functional episode.

The Flashing Blade Podcast has Doctor Who Live and the SJA Premier, recently several members from the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance were lucky enough to attend  Doctor Who Live and the Sarah Jane Adventures premier of Death of the Doctor.  Contained in this here podcast are the thoughts of Professor Dave, James from ADWP, Adam and So-Called Real Keith from Staggering Stories as well as a burst of Luke from TMDWP.

Radio Free Skaro - The Chronic Hysteresis has...

  • 7B4 - The Trial of a Time Lord 8, ...just might be the most calamitous episode of Doctor Who ever made. Absolutely nothing goes right for The Doctor: at variance to reason, which is what The Doctor would have preferred, everything and everyone is destroyed by the Time Lords, with the results swept under the carpet, The Doctor taken out of time and space, and Peri killed in order for everything to sort of come out in a draw.

  • 7C1 - The Trial of a Time Lord 9, as mentioned already, The Trial of a Time Lord season can be seen as a metaphor for what was really going on at the time in the show's real life history and how it was on trial in both the eyes of the BBC head office and those of a more cynical viewing public.

The TARDIS Tavern has Episode 31: New Earth, with Moisturizer Provided by The Omega Podcast, we cast our gaze on the Tenth Doctor story "New Earth," with its cat nurses and zombies....

Classical Gallifrey has Serial 121: Earthshock, sometimes Doctor Who lacks punch. I mean, let's be honest. Doctor Who was designed to be an edutainment Saturday night family programme. It's designed to be inherently new-viewer friendly. Anyone can pick up any story and be able to watch and follow and understand it.

The Edwardian Adventurer
has 002 – The Cave of Skulls, in which we witness a cave-man political debate and Susan’s characterization finally hits its stride.

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