Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eighth Doctor costume, plus more news and reviews


the Newsroom's Google Calender has been updated with next weeks UK TV and Radio Guide.


The Doctor Who News Page has New Eighth Doctor costume revealed, Paul McGann is currently in New Zealand, a guest at the Armageddon Pop Culture Expo (Auckland, New Zealand) this weekend. On Saturday he appeared on a panel and revealed what is to be the 'new' costume for the Eighth Doctor.

The Sun has Dr Who's a pretty boy then?, Actor Matt Smith has revealed he wants to get himself a comedy shoulder prop - just like his hero Peter Sellers did in a Pink Panther movie sketch about pirates, it is one of a number of tweaks Matt is hoping to make to his Timelord outfit for the second series. He said: "I think with this Doctor, you never know what he's going to do or say, or what he's going to turn up in in the morning. He could have a flamingo on his shoulder (Editor: once again the Sun takes an innocent 'throw away' remark and turns it into a headline).


My Tardis Years
has OCTV – Terror of the Autons, ...the Old Codger’s Time Vault, in which I’ll be delving into the vast archive of Doctor Who stories gone by, and sharing my thoughts on them.

sewhooked has TARDIS Treat Bag, "being the Doctor Who obsessed family that we have become, I suppose it’s no surprise that one of my kids is going as The Doctor for Halloween....."

Little Finish Podcast has Episode 03 - Watching the Audios, another exciting month means another exciting podcast! This time we review last month's Find and Replace by Paul Magrs as well as the releases for this month, which include The Invasion of E-Space by Andrew Smith, Deimos by Jonathan Morris, and A Death in the Family by Steven Hall. Between these four (four!) reviews, you'll also hear about the many reasons Denise is going to be kicked out of fandom, the many ways the Doctor can be dumb at times, and of course, the many ways we love Colin Baker.

Dan McDaid has Doctor Who and the Dialects, a thrilling adventure with the Tenth Doctor the Daleks.

WHOGold has My First Tape, "every serious fan of Doctor Who remembers the very first time they taped the show - it's just part and parcel of the whole experience."

Whomix Radio

  • A Fairytale Eleven Times Over, this is my version 2 of "A Fairytale 11 Times Over", the only titular difference been 11 is now written as a word. :P In this mix, I've reworked the bass to sound more accurate and included some sfx in the mix to give it a slightly more Dr Who/spacey feel.

  • DW - Time And Relative Dimension In Synth W.I.P., been working on a completely synth version, no samples from previous themes.

  • Gold Plated Howell, a lot of fine detail completely lost in an endless quest for crash boom wallop.

  • Dr Cool, he wears his sunglasses at night.

  • Gold Mine, my third submission, very different to my others.

Dale Smith Online has Welcome to Kaldor City, Population: 1, the Kaldor City audios were just one more Doctor Who spin-off series that thrived in the interregnum between the Virgin New Adventures and Russell T Davies....

Who Fix has The Human League – Tom Baker.


US WhoCast has released 017: Mytharc 09 “The Empty Tardis”, Matt gets another clue from the Doctor about his dreams while he, The Doctor, and Rose are drawn to the height of the London Blitz by Captain Jack Harkness.

The Tardis Project has "Air Lock", suddenly, something appears at the spaceship window--a hideous creature with huge eyes and no other features stares at them! Vicki screams...

The Doctor Who Podcast has Episode 47, Big Finish have expanded their already impressive range of Doctor Who-related audios with the release of Jago and Litefoot - Season 1. Henry Gordon Jago and Professor Litefoot are two characters fondly remembered from the Tom Baker story The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 005 – The Dead Planet, in which the travelers arrive in a petrified forest, Susan fails at gardening, and The Doctor proves to be a conniving git. Despite escaping Za and his tribe, The Doctor and his companions are no closer to 1960s Earth.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse has MHC 29.2 The Stones of Blood, today Eric & co-host Josh along w/special guest-hosts Katrina (@xanister) embark to capture the third segment to The Key to Time.

Tea with Morbius has Frontios, the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough travel to the far, far future and find humanity struggling to survive and are menaced by giant woodlice.

SciFiPulse.Net has In Review: ‘Doctor Who Live’, "last night I went to Manchester to see Doctor Who Live, and because I hate to go to anything like this on my own, I took a lady friend who is not a Doctor Who fan, but has enjoyed seeing the series as a casual viewer."

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