Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Christmas Special to be previewed at the BFI, Cardiff Competition, plus more News and Reviews


The Christmas Doctor Who Special is going to be previewed at the British Film Institute on the 13th December and will include a 'Questions & Answers' session with the cast and crew.


Cardiff International Arena has a Doctor Who Competition...
Your chance to win a family ticket (4tickets) and a Meet and Greet for Saturday 30th October 7pm show.
Simply answer the question below and email your name and contact number to:

  • Q) What is the name of the actress who currently plays the role of The Doctors companion? (a)Karen Walker, (b)Karen Carpenter, or (c)Karen Gillan.
Closing date is Thursday 28th October at 3pm.


Bleeding Cool has The Doctor Now Has Five Hundred And Seven Regenerations, it was just a throwaway line in the latest episode of Sarah Jane Adventures...


Den of Geek has The Sarah Jane Adventures: The Empty Planet gallery, as the latest Matt Smith-starring The Sarah Jane Adventures story brings the show yet more viewers, catch a glimpse at what’s in store for us all next week right here…

The Doctor Who News Page has Telegraph Update, due to unforeseen circumstances, the free download of False Gods reported earlier this week - planned for this coming Saturday’s edition of The Telegraph - has been postponed.

BBC Kent has Dr Who cottage is brother's tribute to lifelong fan, a 19th Century cottage in the Romney Marsh has become a brother's tribute to a fan of Doctor Who.


The Doctor Who. Retold has Doctor Who and the Crossover Conference, "..and then the Doctor Who says: 'Get out of my Tardis you baked old bat. Back to the Amazon with you, Jo'. Credits roll. Da-dah!" Wide-eyed, RTD settled his enormous frame back in his chair, looking equally enormously pleased with himself.

Who Fix has Mr. Bean, another wonderful scan from Simon Guerrier and Get Down to Our Price!, supplied by Simon Harries

The Ood Cast has Guide to… The Sontarans, leather jacketed baked potatoes with a general disposition to violence and long-lasting warfare, often quoted as being short, stocky and unbelievably powerful due to the extreme gravitational pressure on their home world: Sontar. Their chief impulse is to die with honour in battle, and therefore frequently try to construct reasons to fight anything that steps in their way.


ATV News has What we learned from Death of the Doctor, the two-part Sarah Jane Adventures story Death of the Doctor was brimming with continuity references and nods to the past for long-term Doctor Who fans....

HeroPress has...

  • The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death Of The Doctor, a squad of UNIT troopers roll up outside 13 Bannerman Road, much to Sarah Jane's disgust, to inform her that her old friend The Doctor is dead.

  • K9: Liberation, "I literally stumbled across a middle-of-the-night screening of the second episode of K9 last night..."

Guardian Unlimited has Doctor Who: Matt Smith in The Sarah Jane Adventures, Russell T Davies's nostalgia-friendly Death of The Doctor saw Sarah Jane joined by Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor and Pertwee-era companion Jo Grant - and a revelation about how many times the Doctor can regenerate.

Dislocated Life has “This song is ending, but the story never ends …”, The last time Sarah Jane Smith laid eyes on her time-traveling friend the Doctor he was standing grimly outside his TARDIS, in the midst of making his “victory lap” to visit his friends and help them all out one last time as the man they knew from four years of journeys through time and space.

Den Of Geek has The Sarah Jane Adventures series 3 DVD review, with the newest series of The Sarah Jane Adventures currently airing on both CBBC and BBC One, it's time to look back at the previous year's run with the now obligatory pre-Christmas complete DVD release.

Infinite Hollywood has Doctor Who Morbius Creature Review, today we're looking at the Frankenstein-like monster from the very Hammer Horror influenced 4th Doctor episode, The brain of Morbuis. I actually reviewed the DVD of this serial back in August, so I was excited to come full circle and review the toy of the monster from this episode.

Tea with Morbius has The Claws of Axos, the Third Doctor and Jo help UNIT deal with alien invaders, but the Master gets involved (again..).

Classical Gallifrey has Serial 93: The Invisible Enemy, firmly rooted in mediocre Doctor Who, perhaps elevated again by the script editing of Robert Holmes (as we'll see as well in the next few weeks) but also lowered by the newly arrived takeover by Graham Williams as producer.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 008 -The Ambush, Temmosus is slaughtered by The Daleks, his corpse falling into the food that was used to lure The Thals into the city. These Daleks seem to be a bit of an untrustworthy group.


The Doctor Who News Page has Filming roundup 26th October, it was back to Cardiff today, with filming taking place in two locations during the course of the day.

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