Wednesday, March 17, 2010

U B Hatin'

Hi haters!  Welcome to my blog!

I seem to be rapidly approaching my goal of becoming an important part of the internet because I woke up this morning to a string of badly misspelled hate mail and syntax-free angry comments.  Normally, this would have made me crumple into a heap of trembling anxiety and self-hatred, but for the last few weeks, I have been secretly training to withstand superhuman amounts of hatred by hitting myself in the face with a bag full of bird carcasses, so I'm ready for this.

First of all, congratulations for noticing that I draw pictures!  Apparently, other people draw pictures too!  I know this because you have kindly informed me that I am copying Natalie Dee, XKCD, The Oatmeal, Nicholas Gurewitch and several 4Chan memes.


While I must admit to being influenced by all of those sources, I feel that the diversity and breadth of your accusations prove that I am not copying any one of them.  Also, I don't know if you've ever drawn anything, but there are a limited number of ways to draw a face.  I could draw something like this:


But that picture doesn't really make any sense.  No one would understand what I was even trying to do. 

Haters, you also pointed out that I wrote about cake and pie and that other people in the world have written about cake and pie too.  This is true.  I am sorry that I talked about something that other people have talked about before.  Please allow me to apologize by providing a preview of what it would look like if I only posted unique combinations of words that had never been talked about before:


That was stupid.  No one wants to read about that because it has no context and it doesn't even have any sentence-structure. I will never, ever, EVER intentionally copy someone else's work, but the internet is really big and no matter what precautions I take, chances are good that I will say something at some point that has been said before. That's just how statistics work. I am sorry.

Anyway, I have been told that if I want to do lots of shit on the internet and have lots of people see it, I will have to deal with haters.  Forever.  Luckily, I wrote this post and every time I get an email accusing me of stealing something or telling me that I suck or that I'm going to hell for swearing, I can simply reply with a link and then go about the rest of my day doing important things like blogging about pie and drawing pictures of bears.


P.S.  In the interest of fairness, I feel that I should also mention the overwhelming amount of positive feedback I've gotten in the last few days.  For every hate-filled email or comment I've received, there have been at least 100 supportive and wonderful emails/comments.  Even my rigorous hatred-withstanding training could not have gotten me through this without you guys.  Thank you.  You make me love the internet so much that my face hurts.


  1. Haters are the best reason to do anything that's worth doing. I'm surprised they even have time to send you hate mail with all the time they spend reading things on the internet instead of actually doing anything that they could be proud of. It's always easy to dislike someone for their accomplishments when you can't get off your ass to do anything except run to the 7-11 for cigarettes and beef jerky. So hate on haters, it just narrows your competition.In other news, a friend sent me your blog a few days ago and I spent the rest of the night reading it and laughing out loud on my couch. Thank you, it takes some serious twisted humor to get me to laugh out loud like that.

  2. Dude, that last strip of you slowly exposing what I like to call your "driving finger" cracked my shit up! You make my day, every day.

  3. Mary@Holy MackerelMarch 19, 2010 at 3:22 AM

    Ummm, I hate to tell you this, but I have written A LOT of stuff about tumours, eating meat, and the sound cars make. Just thought you should know.

  4. I love your blog! Your drawings remind me of Exploding Dog. used to be an online fan manager for American Idol contestants (Kelly Clarkson, Bo Bice, Clay Aiken, etc.) ...I learned that haters mean you're hot stuff! When the haters go away is what you gotta worry about ;)(PS if you want an online fan manager, hit me up!) Twitter: morganplex

  5. I'm not a hater! I found you a few weeks ago. LOVE YOU!! (in a totally non stalker crazy person way) I've also pointed you out to a few friends and family members who need a laugh for the day! Keep it up!

  6. Allow me to give you another tidbit of positive feedback! I found your blog last night via the adorable 'Cake vs. Pie' post. And I must say, I couldn't really get into Natalie Dee before, and I like you better than XKCD and The Oatmeal! (I can't vouch for the Nicholas dude...never heard of him!)So therefore you are awesome.

  7. I followed a link a while back and found your site, I have been a fan since the goose incident. Never heard of the other guys, too bad!

  8. It's a proven fact that haters have small penises and dysfunctional clitorises.True story.

  9. I wish I was blog famous. I want hate mail! That sounds fun. Although I am a little surprised to hear that people talk crap over the internet, it's always seemed like such a friendly place to me where I can pay my bills and see naked girls.

  10. I dunno, man, BEEP! TUMOR I like meat is pretty sweet honestly.Also, I just typed that into Google and found an informative yet fairly disturbing page about cryogenically freezing dogs. Just so you know.

  11. My daughters sent me links to your blog because you could actually be one of my daughters. Except I don't know you. Pie wins and we always have pie for birthdays in my house. As for haters. From my local newspaper comments I believe they all live in my town. You could nuke it. Just give me a day or two of warning.Now I probably have us both on a Homeland Security list. Sorry.

  12. It's already pure love for your blog and I only discovered you today! Do a peaches vs. mangos post? I always seem to stumble into this debate so I'd appreciate your scientific methodology as applied to two of the world's best fruits. Thank you. 'Nuff said:)

  13. Not that I've been posting/commenting/doing anything productive lately because I've been away from the interwebs for the past week buuttt...I'm going to pretend like I was and give myself credit for making your face hurt. I hope it bleeds. I revel in your (happy) pain.

  14. What lames.You know who else makes drawings? Children's books illustrators. Architects. The guys who do the chalk outlines after a homicide. Following this line of logic any of us who commit to any verb are subject for arrest. I guess I plagiarize your mom when I (insert something dirty here). Lolz, jk!!11I like this blog. I double like your MS Paint (mad) skillz. Keep up the good work, homie. --T

  15. I found my way here from the Me and the Bee blog and I'm in love. I'm cracking up constantly and I think I've found my favorite timesuck. Keep up the hilarious work!!

  16. OMG those haters are IDIOTS. You are amazing, and talented, and funny, and crazy (in a GOOD way). Sounds like jealousy to me, and perhaps people that need to get LAID more.

  17. I can't beleive i have never read this before... you have the most awesome writing style... kind of how my brain communicated with me in high school... you are so awesome that instead of doing my assignment that is due in 48 hrs I have spent two hours reading your blogs and STILL feel like it was totally worth it!

  18. Married me, you crazy psyco bitch! I'm in love! `:^D

  19. Just so you know, I'm totally using "BEEP! Tumor I like meat" as my go-to panic answer during my Physics final. It makes more sense than all the formulas do when dealing with math anxiety.Oh, and Oscar Wilde, who was also very funny, had haters as well. Mostly small minded ones, just like here.

  20. You totally stole all my ideas, I just hadn't thought of them yet, thanks for ruining my life!!p.s I'm totally on your side lady, you're awesome and we'll totally be friendz sometime during the rest of infinity :D

  21. You're quite funny, and it kind of sucks that so many people are comparing you to others unfairly.But I will say, I much prefer The Oatmeal.Perhaps because I would like to bone him.That is all.

  22. Just found you today via the fish story. Which I promptly shared with my mother, who has a great story about taking me to watch Bambi at the theatre when I was a dad was a hunter...and apparently I didn't get why other kids were crying when Bambi's mom got shot because "the hunters gotta eat too!"See? I never get to share that story because it's a little demented. And the unique specialness of your blog has allowed such divulgence of childhood traumas. YOU WIN. Or something.Your blog = crackin' me up.The end.

  23. Geez I super suck...I can't believe I missed. I rank you up with Jenny (the Bloggess) as my fav blogs. You are amazing...the haters are all probably's glenn beck love children. Cause you know they are all mutant fucktards.
