Friday, December 31, 2010

The Omega Podcast Episode 1-36: Wow! Stuff Sonic Screwdriver Screwdriver Review

Amplify’d from


In Episode 36 we have Wes and one of the Children of Time reviewing the Sonic Screwdriver from Wow! Stuff and Underground Toys. Find out some of the cool features and what to watch out for in this very slick Doctor Who product.

The Mara in North America, plus a pick of the blogs and reviews


Editor's bit...

Todays picture is Chained Doc by eurasia-art, "after a screenshot from the Serie 6 trailer that was being broadcasted after A Christmas Carol..."

I'd like to wish all my readers and contributors a very Happy New Year, may 2011 be a peaceful and 'Who' packed year for us all.

The News...


The Doctor Who News Page has DVD Update, the two stories comprising The Mara Tales will be released in North America as separate stories on April 7, 2011. Kinda and Snakedance feature the Fifth Doctor and are released as a boxset in the UK a month earlier, meanwhile it has been confirmed that Australia will see the release of the Third Doctor story, The Mutants, on February 3, 2011, just a few days after its UK release....

WHO Tubeing....


TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has

Pick of the Blogs...


Bigger On The Inside has “I say, I may have had a bang on the head but this is a dashed queer story.”, the Victorian era is a perfect match for Doctor Who. It is often said that the Doctor dresses in clothes that are reminiscent of that era, at least he did until his 9th incarnation (but even he dressed for the period as shown in one of the old photos Clive found), but so is his basic nature.....

Media_httpwwwdoctorwh_glfiz has Vote Now - Fan Art Contest Finalists, now, it's up to you to decide who wins. We have posted each of the 7 finalists to our Facebook Page. To vote, just sign in to Facebook and Like your favorite artwork. Like as many or as few as you want. Remember to Like the individual art - Liking the album is fine too but we won't count it towards the winning submission.....


Crafty Tardis has Gingerbread Pandorica, "finished with the help of a few of my siblings over Christmas vacation.  Everything else had already been done in gingerbread, so we made a Pandorica, which has the advantage of being simple and sturdy, structurally....."


Interacting with Miniature Railroading has Modeling Extra: Weathering a TARDIS, a most unusual project came across my workbench this week. I was comissioned to accurately paint and weather a classic piece of Science Fiction: Dr. Who’s Interdimensionally Traveling “TARDIS” It’s about 6? by 6? by 12? in size, and beautifully crafted out of Mohagany, Basswood, and Balsa.....



Gallifreyan Embassy has Podcast Companion App Bonus Episode 2, in this bonus exclusive episode for the DW Podshock Podcast Companion App we include a segment from the Q&A session with Daphne Ashbrook (Grace from the 1996 Doctor Who movie) from last month's 25th anniversary event for the Gallifreyan Embassy, plus Ken and Louis talk about the origins of the Gallifreyan Embassy, and more.....



Velvet Jacket has uploaded the alternative cover for The Creature From the Pit, it's easy to misunderstand an enormous green blob...


Who Fix
has Golden, if only Fluck and Law had found the need to lampoon Mr. Baker.

eBay items of interest...

Dr WHO Christmas Carol In Person Autographed Display


£95.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Tuesday Jan-04-2011 16:37:06 GMT
Bid now | Add to watch list

Review's Roundup...


Classical Gallifrey has Serial 146: The Ultimate Foe - The Trial of a Time Lord Part IV, if you count The Trial of a Time Lord as one giant serial of fourteen parts and disregard the four-story structure of it, Trial of a Time Lord is the longest Doctor Who story of all time and this last two parter is the thing that puts it over the edge, I don't want to talk too much about the actual dynamics behind this story here because they work a little bit better as we get into it, but I can't really talk about the finale of this epicness without going into the gritty details of the behind-the-scenes, which I find terribly fascinating....


The Edwardian Adventurer has 056 – Conspiracy (The Romans Part 4), comedic hijinks ensue as Nero becomes smitten with Barbara.  Meanwhile, The Doctor must prepare for his second lyre performance, this episode is the most out-and-out comedic so far.  Nero is portrayed as a ravenous womanizer and much of this episode is spent with him chasing after Barbara. This portrayal is a bit off.  In reality, Nero is not portrayed as the true Nero, but more of a caricature of Roman Imperial excesses....


Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has The Companion Chronicles: Frostfire, what a fascinating place to start the companion chronicles. I really like Vicki and her departure is one of the least celebrated and yet best written in the series (because the episodes aren’t available to watch). It’s intriguing to here more about her life since she left the Doctor in ancient Troy and wonderful to find out that although there is nobody to talk to about her travels, she is happy. Maureen O’Brien obviously sounds older (and she is supposed to) but she is still effortlessly Vicki. She once tried to explain elevators to Troilus but he didn’t understand…that’s what you get for marrying a Greek Adonis!....

Outer Space Book and a Pick of the Tweets...


gallifreyone New
guests announced: Paul Kasey, Ruari Mears, Frazer Hines, Sarah Douglas,
Philip Olivier, Denton Tipton, Nancy Holder, Jose Molina


steven_moffat First time ever, I'm feeling sad to let go of a year. Sherlock and the Doctor - can't ever top that. 


Markgatiss @steven_moffat Ah yes but 2011: more Doctor! More Sherlock! 



fishcustardzine Happy New Year to all our readers! x


krynoid Happy New Year everyone


pricetom Happy 2011 everyone. Goodbye 2010, you strange thing.


NicholasPegg Hope
you have a great New Year's Eve. I'll be having a night in with some
friends, some wine, and possibly the still unseen Dr Who Xmas ep!

BBC Doctor Who - Matt and Katherine's Favourite Moments

BBC Doctor Who

Minutes before A Christmas Carol received its premiere at the BFI, we caught up with Matt Smith and Katherine Jenkins and asked what were their favourite moments from the episode.

You can find out their answers in the video above, but their replies got us wondering... what were your favourite moments from A Christmas Carol? The giant shark attack? The party with Marilyn Monroe? Or possibly the more reflective scenes or even the heart-breaking moments when the truth about Abigail's illness emerge? Lots more moments to sift through - from Amy on the ship to the Doctor bouncing on beds and tumbling down chimneys...

We'll be sharing you thoughts early in the new year. So, please write and let us know the moments that you most enjoyed from this year's Christmas special.

"What were your favourite moments from A Christmas Carol?"
Send you answers here.

BBC Adventure Calendar - Day Thirty One: The moment has been prepared for...


BBC Doctor Who

We caught up with Matt Smith and Katherine Jenkins earlier this month and asked what were their favourite moments of A Christmas Carol. You can discover their answers in our new video. What will feature in their magic moments? The grand entrances? Sad farewells? Shark attacks or chimney stacks? Find out now and let us know your favourite moments from A Christmas Carol.

Plus! Whilst Matt and Karen were busy recording for Shadows of the Vashta Nerada we asked them all sorts of sensible questions. Then we stopped and asked them stuff about fish. We've added that new video to the Shadows of the Vashta Nerada page... check it out now!

Don't forget, over the festive period we also added new videos featuring Katherine Jenkins talking about her character, Abigail, and the whole experience of being part of Doctor Who. You can find those videos on the Abigail Pettigrew character page.

Finally, way back when we started all this, we began with the 2010 edition of Doctor in the House! For everyone who asked where the quotations came from, we've a complete list below.

Peruse at your leisure and in the meantime, the Adventure Calendar will stay online so you can still get the wallpapers, screensavers, interviews, previews, original short stories and much more.

And finally, happy new year and hopefully see you throughout 2011!

Doctor in the House... Origin of Speeches

  • 1. I probably better go. You know me. Stuff to do. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

  • 2. Something not very good indeed. Was from... Vincent and the Doctor

  • 3. I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that? Was from... Vampires of Venice.

  • 4. This is the most beautiful parlour I have ever seen. Was from... The Lodger

  • 5. That's how we greet each other nowadays, isn't it? Was from... The Lodger

  • 6. Talk about cross! Who stole all their handbags? Was from... The Pandorica Opens

  • 7. I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past. Was from... A Christmas Carol

  • 8. Legs! I've still got legs! Was from... The End of Time, Part Two

  • 9. Have you been telling people I'm dead? Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

  • 10. I'm a girl! No, no... I'm not a girl. Was from... The End of Time, Part Two

  • 11. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window. Was from... Vincent and the Doctor

  • 12. The waves of time wash us all clean. Was from... Timelash

  • 13. Between you and me, if that day ever comes... I think the whole universe might just shiver. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

  • 14. It was the daisiest daisy I'd ever seen. Was from... The Time Monster

  • 15. And those pathetic little patches of sludgy snow were shining white in the sunlight. Was from... The Time Monster

  • 16. There are some corners of the universe that have bred the most terrible things. Things that act against everything we believe in. They must be fought. Was from... The Moonbase

  • 17. But the last time I was dying I looked back on all of you, every single one. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

  • 18. Daleks, Sontarans... Cybermen... They're still in the nursery compared to us. Was from... Trial of a Time Lord

  • 19. Well, in view of the facts that I've already presented - the ray gun, this pen and one or two other things - I think we're dealing with people who are not from this planet. Was from... The Faceless Ones

  • 20. Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? Was from... An Unearthly Child

Fog Swimmer by Draculasaurus

Amplify’d from


A great moment from the Doctor Who Christmas special.

Click this link for a 1024x768 wallpaper version

Click this link for a 1600x900 wallpaper version

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Doctor Who star makes Christmas dream come true, When did Doctor Who's time machine get so easy to control?, plus more news and reviews


Editor's bit...

Todays picture is UNIT Dalek Buster by DarkAngelDTB.

The News...


Northampton Chronicle & Echo has Doctor Who star makes Christmas dream come true for inspirational Alfe, a young boy from Northampton who spent last Christmas in hospital fighting cancer has had his dream of meeting Doctor Who come true, thanks to the Chronicle & Echo and the star of the hit show, Alfe Game was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma when he was just five and spent Christmas 2009 at Northampton General Hospital, the seven-year-old, from Duston, went into remission from the illness in July and has since dedicated hours of his time to helping children in a similar position to him, including collecting toys for presents for children spending Christmas at NGH and designing Christmas cards to be sold to fund presents for two friends who have relapsed with leukaemia, to say ‘thank you’ to Alfe for his hard work in the community, the Chron arranged for Doctor Who fan Alfe to have a surprise Christmas Eve visit from the 11th Doctor himself, Northampton-born Matt Smith.......


has When did Doctor Who's time machine get so easy to control?, after watching the latest Doctor Who Christmas special, one thought kept sticking in our brains: When did the Doctor become so good at controlling his time machine, the TARDIS? He used to be unable to steer it at all, the idea that the Doctor couldn't control his TARDIS was a huge part of the show's original concept. In the pilot, the Doctor kidnaps two schoolteachers from 1963 London and then decides to take them home after all — but for a year and a half, no matter what the Doctor does, he's unable to get Ian and Barbara back to their own time and place. (The closest he gets is when they arrive in the correct time and place, but only a few inches tall.).....


The Sun
has Dr Who is a grimelord, boozer Frank Gallagher turns up in Time Lord guise in the new series of Shameless with wife Monica as his saucy companion, in a dream sequence, scrounger Frank, played by David Threlfall, has to make do with a grimy portaloo for his Tardis.....

Pick of the Blogs...

Media_httpwwwtorcomim_qjdjf has Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey: Top 5 Doctor Who Paradoxes, "yesterday, I traveled into the future and read a blog on about temporal paradoxes in Doctor Who. To my horror, I realized the blog was written by me! So without missing a trick, I copied and pasted the text into a Word document, copied that document to my flash drive, grabbed my vortex manipulator and popped back into this Wednesday and pasted the text into a blog. Whew! I’m pretty sure this is a predestination paradox, or maybe an ontological paradox. I mean when did I write this thing in the first place? What do I mean by first? Anyway, The Doctor has dealt with a lot more of these things than me. Here are five of the best....."

Bob Canada's BlogWorld has Doctor Who Team-Up Guide, "since I like organizing info, I decided to take some of my vector drawings of the various Doctors and make a chart listing the various team-up episodes that have aired over the years, every now and then the Doctor faces a situation that even he can't tackle alone. That's when he uses his time-traveling TARDIS to go back and recruit his past selves for help. Think of it as your 30 year old self using a time machine to get your 20 year old self to help you move the furniture into your new house....."


Quotable Doctor Who Quotes has Top Ten Requirements of a Dr Who Xmas show, ever since 2005, Doctor Who Christmas Specials have been as much a part of the BBC's Christmas Day festive schedule as EastEnders, The Royle Family, Strictly Come Dancing and The Queen's Speech. It is regarded by the Beeb as one of their BIG Xmas presents as they lavish a lot of money, time and publicity on the one hour spectacular, so what is the recipe for the perfect Dr Who Xmas Epic? Like a perfect Christmas Cake or Pudding, there are some key ingredients that prevent the resulting concoction from falling flat or leaving a nasty taste in your mouth....



The Ultimate Doctor Who Site has Doctor Who Adventures - Issue 198, the cover and info on this weeks edition...


Who Fix has Goodies, from the Radio Times 20th Anniversary Special, and Aaru, the human spy is in place and ready to act on instructions from Dalek high command,


SFX has Doctor Who picture puzzle – the answers!, been puzzling over the Doctor Who picture puzzle in our latest special? Well, puzzle no longer…

Review's Roundup...


Tea with Morbius has The Seeds of Death, "I don't get Doctor Who fans. This story is an absolute classic. It is the best surviving Troughton story. Yet for some reasons a lot of fans think it is a bit rubbish. Why? Because it is too long? Lots of stories are too long. Each episode of this story is full of action. Because it has holes in the plot? So does Pyramids of Mars. Gaping big holes. Because the 21st century costumes look silly? The costumes in Robots of Death look a bit silly too and most people seem to like that. Because the Ice Warrior Grand Marshal wears a spangly, disco helmet covered in glitter? Well, I think he looks cute. I just don't see what the problem is with this story. It is a brilliant one.....


Shadowlocked reviews Earthshock, the turbulent decade of the 1980s – not much fun, eh? Thatcherism at the height of its powers. The emergence of the yuppies. Not to mention the likes of mannequin crooners like Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet dominating the charts like suited bankers. So no wonder Doctor Who wanted to go revisit the 1960s for inspiration....


The Edwardian Adventurer has 055 – All Roads Lead to Rome (The Romans Part 2), Ian finds himself a slave on a Roman ship. Barbara is sold to Nero’s wife, and The Doctor must somehow pretend to be a famous lyre player without actually playing the lyre, somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight....

Podcast Review's...


Mutters Spiral has “A Christmas Carol”!, it’s Christmas, and the Doctor’s back! And if the Doctor is back, then so is Mutters Spiral with a podcast talking all about “A Christmas Carol”. Will & John talk about the episode; cover some Torchwood casting news from the past couple of months; and John haunts Will with the “Twelve Days of Christmas” trivia (plus one)....


US WhoCast has Episodes 027: Reactions/Reviews of "A Christmas Carol", Matt reviews "A Christmas Carol", the Doctor 2010 Christmas Special. Fellow podcasters and fans are welcome to call in and share their views as well. US WhoCast only asks that you come armed with a 3-word description of the episode...


The Doctor’s Companion has released Episode 32 – Ghosts of Christmas, Christmas time is here and Scott and Randy are back with this year’s Christmas special, “A Christmas Carol”. Amy and Rory are trapped on a starship that is going to crash and only one man can stop it, but he doesn’t exactly in the Christmas spirit. Can the Doctor show him the meaning of Christmas and convince him to help in time? Are flying sharks better than reindeer? Why are bow ties so cool?.....

Outer Space Book and a Pick of the Tweets...


JasonArnopp Blog about #DoctorWho, Sarah Jane Adventures, Stormhouse and other things I wrote this year:


BarnabyEdwards Shadows of the Vashta Nerada trailer: My interview: Game:


Doctor Who 'Excellent graphics. Good story. Easy to play'. Doctor Who 'Mazes of Time' review at What's on iPhone Also we found this introduction to the gameplay
Please add links to this thread as you progress through the game - you
will find out here first when it is available for Android next year.

BBC Adventure Calendar - Day Thirty - Shadow's Cast: Barnaby Edwards

BBC Doctor Who
In the third and final part of Shadow's Cast we meet Barnaby Edwards who discusses the character of Flanagan in Shadows of the Vashta Nerada.

Barnaby also reveals (well, hints at...) his favourite Adventure Game, what it's like working with Charles Cecil and what he always wants in a Doctor Who adventure!

Don't forget you can still watch Shadow's Cast: Nicholas Briggs and Shadow's Cast: Eleanor Matsuura.

Play Shadows of the Vashta Nerada now!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Karen's a Grotty Totty, Ten teasers about all-new 'Doctor Who', plus more news and reviews


Editor's bit...

Todays picture is a Special Weapons Dalek by DarkAngelDTB.

The News...


Press & Journal has Dr Who actress in hometown panto, Inverness-born actress Karen Gillan returned to her roots this week when she was invited on-stage – only to be gunked in goo as the panto dame’s Grotty Totty, Eden Court marketing manager Laurie Piper said: “All the way through the show the writer, Iain Laughlan, incorporated 23 Dr Who jokes, so some audience members might have had an idea what was going on, when Karen was called on to the stage, the kids loved it and everyone was delighted. She did it in great spirit”, he added that she was mobbed for autographs after her appearance, Miss Gillan, who was described as wearing “killer heels” as she went on stage, like the other “victims” had to wear a protective plastic outfit over her own clothing....


Digital Spy has Ten teasers about all-new 'Doctor Who', check out our ten teasers as to what's coming up in the sixteenth series of Doctor Who, it's that time again - a new series of Doctor Who is about to launch on BBC One! Earlier this week, we got a sneak preview of what's to come in the show's sixteenth run since its 2005 revival....


Now Magazine
has Matt Smith: I love Karen Gillan's sexy short skirts on Doctor Who, Matt Smith is enjoying playing Doctor Who and says he wouldn't quit to avoid being typecast, 'Playing the Doctor hasn't prevented Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant from taking on other parts,' the 28-year-old tells Now, Matt's mate Florence Welch from Florence And The Machine wants to appear in the show with him and co-star Karen Gillan - who's now known for her mini skirts - and he's all for it, 'We'd have some fun and games - me and Karen are like naughty children as it is,' he admits, 'I know those short skirts caused a furore but I say bring them on. I see nothing wrong with celebrating women and their sexiness'....


The Doctor Who News Page has BBC America Ratings, A Christmas Carol had an average audience of 727,000 viewers for its first showing on BBC America on Christmas Day, TV by the Numbers report the figure, which is for the 9-10.20pm showing on the channel. Last year the first part of The End of Time, which was shown the day after Christmas, achieved 671,000 viewers in the same timeslot....

Pick of the Blogs...


So Much More Than This… has The Natural History of Evil: oh no, not you again!, the new producer of Doctor Who at the beginning of the 1980s, John Nathan-Turner, appears to have had one main objective over and above simply making a successful TV show: to strengthen the particular identity of the series, both visually and as a narrative. (One could probably speculate as to why an untested and possibly insecure producer would choose to make arguably the most arbitrary and radical changes in the look and style of the series yet seen, but that’s really beyond the scope of our subject matter.) One of the ways he chose to achieve this was by increasing the level of connection between individual stories: characters casually (or not so casually) refer to the events of the previous week’s story, occasionally retain the costume apparently for months on end, and so on....


Making My 5th Doctor Costume has Fifth Doctor costume transition, this week I’ve been taking a little look at an area of The Doctor’s costume that sometimes gets overlooked: The Costume Transition Scene, I’m taking about that moment in the first episode of a new Doctor where the old skin is finally shaken off and a re-designed costume helps define the start of a new era in Doctor Who history....


Crafty Tardis has TARDIS eReader Cover, "I've been working on this project as a Christmas present for a friend since mid-September, and it's finally finished, just in time to give it to her tomorrow, My friend has a Nook, so I decided to adopt the TARDIS Socks pattern into a cover for it. Basically I just knitted it flat on size 6 needles, then seamed it up at the end, stopping the pattern before reaching the point where you start the heel....


Charlie McDonnell has posted A Very Confidental Christmas, "watching Doctor Who is never going to be the same for me. I know a few people, and I expect that there are many more out there, who love the show to bits but just can’t bring themselves to watch the behind the scenes companion show Doctor Who Confidential, and with good reason. There’s a certain kind of TV magic that comes with Doctor Who, one that only really exists in science fiction shows, and one that seems to disappear once you see a Dalek with his head off, or The Doctor wondering around a car-park listening to his iPod. I have the utmost respect for people who want their magic to stay magical, though I’m not one of those people myself....."


Fan Film Follies has Plymouth Rocks, one of our favorite recent fan films, A Survivor’s Triangle, has completed its weekly serialization on YouTube, and is now available as a continuous movie on DailyMotion, it definitely plays better as an uninterrupted presentation rather than in ten minute chunks. We will be bringing more coverage of this excellent production in the very near future.....



Who Fix has Hail Subotsky!, best back cover ever (from Doctor Who Weekly 9).

Review's Roundup...


The Edwardian Adventurer has 054 – The Slave Traders (The Romans Part 1), after a few weeks relaxation in a Roman Villa, Ian and Barbara are captured by slavers and The Doctor is mistaken for a famous lyrist, There are two things guaranteed to get my attention in history or
historical fiction  Nazis and Romans, hence, it is with great
enthusiasm that I watch this story....


Tegan (Jeffrey Scott) has Dr. Who (The Early Years) - Part 13 "The First Doctor In Review", by 1966, William Hartnell was finding it increasingly difficult to continue the role of Dr.Who. He was forgetting lines and the work strain was becoming too much. At one point he was slated to leave the series during the 'Celestial Toymaker', but he continued. When he did leave, the show was doing well enough to continue instead of cancelling. So the producers devised a way to 'renew' his character....

Podcast Review's...


Geeks of Doom have TARDISblend 18: A Christmas Carol, following the broadcast of the Doctor Who Christmas Special, the TARDISblend returns, as we not only review A Christmas Carol, but discuss the new teaser trailer for Doctor Who Series 6, and discover a couple of bits and pieces you may have missed.....


Arrow of Time has 012 – Voyage of the Next Doctor, on this scintillating episode of Arrow of Time we have a post-Christmas twofer in which we recall our favorite moments from “Voyage of the Damned” and “The Next Doctor,” back-to-back style, thus concluding our Merry Doctor Who Christmas Special Roundup and Chili Cook-off (which was delicious, sorry you missed it).  This leads us into next week, where we cover an honest-to-Ood new episode of Doctor Who, the first since we started podcasting. Smashing!....


The2ndDoctors Podcast has Episode 34, review of The Invasion Pt 8, feedback, a Message from the Titanium Bunker and "Just One Night by Carol Reidel"....


The Doctor Who Podcast has released Episode 56, ...apart from fighting over the last scraps of christmas turkey and filling the recycle bins to overflowing with paper, James and Tom also review the Doctor Who christmas special for 2010, cunningly titled A Christmas Carol...

Outer Space Book and a Pick of the Tweets...


murraygold When did New Years Eve stop being about trying to snog as many girls as possible? Can't put a date on it. Only a colour. Grey.


Frazer Hines  apologises to all those who go on chat line to him ,and he doesnt reply...its just that i leave it on and go watch tv!!


Torchwood  Play the Torchwood Quiz, Click the 'Quizzes' tab and select yours... or play it HERE:


Gallifrey One  Last
call: if you're interested being a panelist on one of our discussion
panels in February, we need to hear from you ASAP (use the email form on
the website). We need to hear from you before December 31. (If you've
already emailed us, you don't need to again.)


GEmbassy New Post: Who Fan Art - Waiting for a meeting, found this:<wbr/>post/395777926/i-dream-of-w... 


rclarkie My 3 yr old is confused by my relationship with Dr Who. This morning she accused me of wearing his shoes


Paul_Cornell Just blogged: Action, Pertwee and the Boyfriend from Blupo: