Monday, December 20, 2010

Jamie Smart announces 'Dr Who' project, Bonhams Auction Items....


Editor's bit...

Today's picture
is LU-BRI-CATE by t-Pee, "Just wanted to do a static render of a Dalek and their shell. I'm going to do one more full scene with the Daleks and that's it for these little guys."

Well folks the Christmas special comes ever nearer and the excitement grows, don't forget, to view the all the posts on this site just click the banner at the top, we are constantly updating and its the best way to make shure you haven't missed anything.

Today's releases...


Doctor Who Pandorica Figures are released today.
11th Doctor: Christmas Adventure Set released today.
Doctor Who T-Shirt: TARDIS is released today.

The News....


SFX has New Doctor Who Partwork Magazine Hires Comic Artist Jamie Smart, he is creator of Ubu Bubo and Bear among other things – has revealed that there’s a brand new Doctor Who partwork magazine being launched in Spring 2011, and he’s going to be spending the whole of next year drawing it....


Digital Spy also covers the story with Jamie Smart announces 'Dr Who' project, he reveals that he is working on a new partwork for Doctor Who, the BBC has commissioned the Ubu Bubu cartoonist to produce the magazine series after he produced a sample issue featuring material from the forthcoming television series earlier in the year....


The Doctor Who News Page has Bonhams Auction Items Sold, Wednesday saw the latest Entertainment Memorabilia Sale take place at Bonhams; the auction included three items from the classic series of Doctor Who....

Pick of the blogs...


Will Hadcroft has My Doctor Who Audio Play, "I had always wanted to try my hand at scriptwriting. After the publication of Anne Droyd and Century Lodge in 2002, I approached Gareth Preston, who ran an amateur dramatics group called Fine Line. Over a ten year period, Gareth's little company of amateur and semi-professional actors had produced a series of Doctor Who audio plays and put them online for free download...."


So Much More Than This… has The Natural History of Evil: the Horror, the Horror, Doctor Who is a series which fundamentally revolves around the clash between good and evil, although the conflict isn’t always quite so baldly stated as that. And it wasn’t always thus: in the very beginning, the series’ educational remit theoretically took precedence over action and adventure storylines. As the series enthusiastically embraced the new adventure-centred format, however, monsters and villainy became central to the programme’s stories.


Hamish Steele
has posted Like NAOW? Like Doctor Who? Cool , coming this January is a one-off Doctor Who comic by me featuring the 11th Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, the Doctor receives a message from a planet called Gallifrey… but it can’t really be his lost home world can it? He arrives in the City of TARDIS on the continent of Sonic Screwdriver and is surrounded by strange aliens wearing bow-ties. He has arrived on a planet… of Doctor fans. But when they take him prisoner, believing him to be a fake, it is up to his companions to teach these fanboys a lesson....



Giant Gnome Productions has DWLTL – City of the Dead Part 4, Daniel and the Doctor figure what the temple truly is, and Emily tries to solve her Master problem....


The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast has released Episode 34, "we begin with some bizarre sibling cannibalism initiated by Isabella. Then we talk about web stuff like what is coming soon at Whoone. Lack of feedback is spoken about. Our appearance on Tardis Tavern is covered. We receive some live chat on Facebook. Podcast of the Week was a very difficult decision this week....."


Dirty Whoers
has Christmas Interview Special Number 2, sit back with a mince pie and a glass of sherry (or 3) and listen to the smooth tones of Rob Shearman (writer of 'Dalek' and assorted Big Finish gubbins) as he waxes lyrical on his journey through the Whooniverse and his outlook on life, the ideal writing job, biscuits, hostage situations, and the name 'Dirty WHOers'....


A Journal of Improbable Things
has Episode One Live Now!, needed to get something out sharpish specially in the run up to Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol, so I recorded this so I also didn't end up with a huge backlog of messages to reply to. Thus, 2 performances in panto, long journey home, then eating and instead of sleeping I started recording this. Not brilliant quality still and it goes on a bit, but here it is. It's all a bit Blue Peter really!...


Tin Dog Podcast has TDP 150: Short Story (The Outpost) Messages from other Podcasters and Xmas Update, Short Story (The Outpost) One of my Entries into the Big Finish "Short Trips" Comp. Longer story in the Christmas TDP Also Messages from other Podcasters and a Chritmas Doctor Who Update...

The Flashing Blade Podcast has Dalek Empire X - Mr. Dalek And The Amiable Assassin, the annual festive joint release with and again written by Benjamin. F. Elliott. Have mild peturbation as a figure from Mr. Dalek's past returns. Recoil in moderate concern as a fobwatch is opened.

The Cultdom Chronicles has Cultdom Episode 77 Doctor Who ‘This Is Your Life’, the Doctor – just what do we know about his life? Working our way through his different regenerations & keeping to TV Canon. A follow-up show will cover other Who media.

The Cultdom Collective has released a Cultdom Christmas Message 2010.



TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube
has DWO - The Sands of Time - Blooper Reel.


The Big Issue in Scotland has This Week's Issue: Has time run out for Amy Pond?, Matt Smith reveals what the future holds for Karen Gillan ahead of the Xmas Doctor Who, has time run out for Amy Pond? "No spoilers - just teasers! Matt Smith was very careful about what he could tell us..."


Who Fix has Fowl Play, a leaflet produced by Norwich City Council warning people of a Dalek plot to conquer the Earth with turkey poisoning (submission by Tim Cook)


WHOGold has Operation Golden Age, open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur... what a crap song that was. Anyway, yes, dinosaurs...


Gareth David-Lloyd - The Official Page has posted "Due to unforeseen difficulties, Wales Comic Con has moved to June 5th",  Gareth will still be in attendance, for more details please go to their website here.

This Week In Doctor Who by Benjamin F Elliott  has Section A, Section B and Torchwood This Week all dated December 20, 2010.

Big Finish are now selling T-Shirts with their logo on...

Review Roundup...


Digital Spy has Preview: 'Doctor Who: Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada', after the claustrophobic and rather brief third episode 'TARDIS' comes the most ambitious Doctor Who: The Adventure Games instalment yet. Following directly from the last episode's ending, the Doctor and Amy find themselves in a sprawling underwater colony several centuries into the future. And it hits the ground running, with a hulking, two-finned shark trying to smash its way through the seabed tunnel to drown the duo, and so it's up to the player to flee through a series of doorways to safety....


So Much More Than This…
has One Dog and his Show, "sometimes context is everything. Six or seven years ago, the appearance of a proper Doctor Who spin-off, no matter what its provenance or content, would have been guaranteed considerable interest and probably good-will. And yet the launch of the original K-9 series seems to have been met with total disinterest – and those who haven’t ignored it have been rather hostile. It’s turning up on terrestrial UK TV over the Christmas period, at odd times and on Channel 5 (not the best of omens), and… well, hmm....."


The Edwardian Adventurer
has 049 – The End of Tomorrow (The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 4), Barbara and Jenny hijack a truck, Ian and Craddock infiltrate a mining camp, and Susan is menaced by a baby alligator.


Bigger On The Inside has “France. It’s a different planet”, in ‘The Girl in the fireplace’ we are presented with two eras, 17th and 51st century. The Doctor’s comment illustrates that both are equally exotic and alien to his 21st century companions.

Podcast reviews....


Radio Free Skaro
has released 229 - With A Little Help From My Friends, the stream of commentaries that the Three Who Rule have been unleashing upon the world for the past several months finally concludes with their real-time review of the Series 5 finale The Big Bang. And what an episode to go out on, all three were as admiring of the story as they were when it first went out in June and nothing has changed in the mean time. Also of note, this is Warren's last episode from China, a nation whose internet connection is almost as dodgy as its human rights record.


The Ood Cast has released S03E06 – Booming Marvellous, on this week’s Ood Cast, still a member down, Laura, Andy and Chris Alpha take the Slitheen by the skin suit and use their time wisely. Not by invading the Earth using decoy pigs in space suits (or even pigs in blankets – it is the festive season after all), but by revisiting series one’s Boom Town. They wonder out-loud into handily positioned microphones whether the episode was as shaky as the planning permission for that nuclear power station in the episode must have been….


The Unearthly Child Podcast has Episode 25 - The Ark in Space, "as Christmas approaches, there is build-up for A Christmas Carol in the news section, while I tell you what my thoughts were on watching The Ark in Space for the very first time..."

Krynoid Podcast has 015: Attack of the Cybermen, Jim and Martin head back to 1985 to take a look at Colin Baker's second outing, Attack of the Cybermen - a violent tale involving comets, diamond heists and time travel. And behind it all is a big fat man in a garish costume - no, not the sixth Doctor, we do of course mean the Cyber Controller....

Pick of the Tweets...


Outpost_Skaro The Twitter! The 1st Skaro Podcast is in our Advent Calendar! Hear our voices! I know!


Markgatiss Disturbingly big snowman, probably about to come to life.  


vervoid Dennis gets some emotional counselling in chapter 20. He doesn't enjoy it.


DWMtweets Just received our Radio Times Companions Special. That @stuart_manning is a clever one and no mistake.


BFI Our #DoctorWho Christmas Q&A with Matt Smith, Katherine Jenkins and @caitlinmoran:


murraygold What the hell happened to global warming?! Folks, I don't want to be an *aerosol* about this, but- let's spray4warmth dot com.

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