Saturday, December 25, 2010

Carol singing day, Doctor Who companions and the ultimate tournament, plus more news and reviews


Editor's bit...

Todays picture
is Hoo-liday Who by thecosmicdancer.

Happy Christmas everyone
, the posts for 'A Christmas Carol' will be posted later today, as the news and reviews will arrive after the broadcast at 6pm on BBC 1, so stayed tuned for more as it comes in.

The News...


Shadowlocked has Doctor Who companions: The Ultimate Tournament, during Doctor Who's 47 years, companions have come and gone and have stuck by the good Doctor through thick and thin. We've had all sorts of companions, from plucky journalists through to shifty non-public school boys; leggy swinging 60s dolls through to haughty Time Lady ice-maidens and trusty schoolteachers through to – erm, Adric, for completism's sake, I'm including all the companions of The Doctor, so that means one-offs too, like Adelaide and Christina – they were described in the BBC press releases as companions, so they're fair game. There'll be the equivalents of bronze, silver and gold for each category, so let the tournament commence!


BBC America - Anglophenia has The Best ‘Doctor Who’ Moments of 2010, in your typical episode of Doctor Who, there are enough clever moments to fill a whole season of other shows — perfectly timed double takes and one-liners so plentiful that even the throwaways are gold. And then there are those moments that catch you off-guard and make you all misty-eyed.


TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Doctor Who: A Leap of Faith, the episode picks up from where the Christmas Message left off, with the TARDIS being re-called to an unknown destination in space and time, upon landing the Doctor discovers a Star-Gate. Who is on the other side? (Part 2 entitled; Not the Last will broadcast new years day, 2011.)

Pick of the Blogs...


evergleam83 has posted a Gingerbread TARDIS, this weekend we made a gingerbread TARDIS, it is basically the greatest ever......


The Spoof (satire) has US version of Doctor Who planned, Doctor Who maybe one of the stalwarts of British television and a national institution, but plans are afoot for a US version of the show. The new version, with the working title 'Dr Who USA' will air on BBC America in the spring. A pilot episode is currently being shot, with the part of the Doctor being taken by Hollywood funny man Jim Carrey.

Podcasts and Audios...


Giant Gnome Productions has DWLTL – Blackbird – Christmas Special 2010, the birds are circling, the Doctor is arriving, and Christmas is here.  The Doctor accidentally arrives in 1693 Edwarton Colony, and instead of the peaceful holiday Emily and Daniel were hoping for, the trio are in for another great adventure!....


Bridging the Rift Podcast
have released Episode 23: The Ghost Of Podcast Future, "we return from our unannounced hiatus to wish you season’s greetings and announce our imminent relaunch with an exciting new ‘audio zine’ format coming in 2011, to give you a little preview of things to come Nat, Erik and Katrina read the first three parts of a longer Eleventh Doctor Christmas fan fiction story by LiveJournal user betawho, Wherever It’s Christmas....


The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast has Episode 35 Christmas Special, "our Christmas gift to you… yes the sort of present you get that wasn’t quite what you wanted but you are grateful anyway as it is the thought that counts, Adam and Ben discuss Human Nature and Family of Blood while Alicia discusses… God knows what, then we have feedback, News and Ebay plus a couple of bonus features that Adam added after Ben and Alicia had left, have a great Christmas and thank you all so much for listening, downloading, streaming and supporting The 20mb Podcast we really do love you."


The Flashing Blade Podcast has Episode 1-78, "it's our Christmas show. Oh dear. Anyway, we look, as required by law, at The Horns Of Nimon, Wyn's parent or guardian gets in touch, there's a Festive missive from Mr. Chinn at the Ministry and all sorts of goodies... Be aware: this show contains singing. Um... Sorry about that...


Tin Dog Podcast has TDP Christmas Short Story 2010: Very Little Green Men, "my Short Trips comp entry is this years Christmas short Story.....



CCarols Creations has Dalek Necklace, the Daleks received a colorful design update in the Series 5 episode “Victory of the Daleks”.

Who Fix has Incidentally… by Neil.

Review's Roundup...


Shadowlocked reviews The Visitation, ...season 19 has so many ups and downs, so many polar opposites that I feel queasy just typing this. Although it could have been the chicken curry that I had for tea. So far we've had the introspective, intelligent Castrovalva followed by Four To Doomsday - a story about overgrown, talking frogs. Then we have the multi-layered, surreal tour-de-force that is Kinda. And what do you know, we then head for The Visitation, which is generally about as sophisticated as an episode of Neighbours.


Macgasm has Doctor Who Game Receives 'Exterminate' Rating, when it comes to Doctor Who, I don’t kid around. It’s been my favorite TV show since 1978, and I hold all Doctor Who games to a very high standard......


DVDActive reviews Doctor Who: Meglos (UK - DVD R2), season 18 was an odd time for Doctor Who; it’s star, Tom Baker had been the longest serving actor to play The Doctor in the show’s history and though his over-the-top performances from the previous season had toned down, a sense of boredom had replaced it; technological advancements meant that the Beeb were becoming increasingly able to realise the visions that were born in the grand imaginations of the writers; the theme music had been changed; the most important development for Doctor Who with season 18 was the appointment of John Nathan-Turner as producer, a development which would remain with the show - for better or worse - until the show’s eventual cancellation...


Unreality SF reviews Doctor Who: The Demons of Red Lodge and other stories, "I'd like to say that the release is a complete shambles which could only have been salvaged by the inclusion of my own entry in the New Writer's Opportunity, but... well... that would be a complete lie....."

Podcast Review's...


The Cultdom Chronicles has Cultdom Commentary: The Next Doctor, for Christmas 2010 The Cultdom Collective Podcast with daveac, Ian ‘The6thDoctor’ & Mike ‘Rand__alThor’ bring you the final of our Dr Who Christmas Commentaries...


The Untempered Schism Podcast has Episode 8 : The One Doctor, on this special Christmas episode we take a look back at a Doctor Who adventure that you probably haven’t seen, but you might have heard. So kick back by the fire with a cup of tea and a plate of Jammie Dodgers, because The Untempered Schism Podcast is about to jump a time track....

Christmas Tweets...


TMDWP Merry Christmas to all my followers new and old. If you haven't seen me saying the obligatory line then watch 


chronic_rift A Merry Christmas from all of us on The Chronic Rift and from K9 too.


ATSMPodcast Happy
#Christmas/ #Smithmas to all of you from Adventures in Time, Space
& Music! May your holiday be filled with merriment & DOCTOR WHO!


DoctorWhoNY And a Merry Christmas to all of you at home


Frazer Hines  From
Frazer and the crew ... we hope everyone has a happy and peaceful
Christmas and that 2011 brings everyone something that they wish for.


Telos Publishing  wishes all our customers and friends a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


GEmbassy New Post: Merry Christmas All! - Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! to all Doctor Who:Podshock listenners, HHGT...


murraygold Merry ChristmaaAAAAAS! You're amazing. You've been the BEST company ever. Let's overeat and expand together! Xxx


DWMtweets Merry Christmas to all of DWM's readers. Hope you're having a brilliant day and looking forward to A Christmas Carol!


NoelClarke Merry Christmas to you all. Hope you are having great a day. 


drwhoonline Merry Christmas to all our followers, from all the Doctor Who Online Team!

Spoiler Alert...


Doctor Who Spoilers has You’ve swallowed a planet!, "a poster has heard that one episode contains some "…references to pregnancy, like conversations between Amy and Rory.". He goes on to speculate that Amy and Rory might be written out due to Amy becoming pregnant...."

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