Editor's bit...Todays picture is Chained Doc by eurasia-art, "after a screenshot from the Serie 6 trailer that was being broadcasted after A Christmas Carol..."I'd like to wish all my readers and contributors a very Happy New Year, may 2011 be a peaceful and 'Who' packed year for us all.The News...
The Doctor Who News Page has DVD Update, the two stories comprising The Mara Tales will be released in North America as separate stories on April 7, 2011. Kinda and Snakedance feature the Fifth Doctor and are released as a boxset in the UK a month earlier, meanwhile it has been confirmed that Australia will see the release of the Third Doctor story, The Mutants, on February 3, 2011, just a few days after its UK release....WHO Tubeing....
TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has
Doctor Who: Legacy Of A Timelord - Full Series Trailer, with The Doctor And Amy stranded on a ship surrounded with Cybermen, The Doctor tells Amy stories of his past...
Katherine Jenkins on Abigail Pettigrew, she gives her insights into Abigail, the character she plays in the Doctor Who special, A Christmas Carol.
BBC One 2011 Promo - The one place to be in 2011, includes programmes in 2011 such as Doctor Who and Sherlock
Pick of the Blogs...
Bigger On The Inside has “I say, I may have had a bang on the head but this is a dashed queer story.”, the Victorian era is a perfect match for Doctor Who. It is often said that the Doctor dresses in clothes that are reminiscent of that era, at least he did until his 9th incarnation (but even he dressed for the period as shown in one of the old photos Clive found), but so is his basic nature.....
DoctorWho.com has Vote Now - Fan Art Contest Finalists, now, it's up to you to decide who wins. We have posted each of the 7 finalists to our Facebook Page. To vote, just sign in to Facebook and Like your favorite artwork. Like as many or as few as you want. Remember to Like the individual art - Liking the album is fine too but we won't count it towards the winning submission.....
Crafty Tardis has Gingerbread Pandorica, "finished with the help of a few of my siblings over Christmas vacation. Everything else had already been done in gingerbread, so we made a Pandorica, which has the advantage of being simple and sturdy, structurally....."
Interacting with Miniature Railroading has Modeling Extra: Weathering a TARDIS, a most unusual project came across my workbench this week. I was comissioned to accurately paint and weather a classic piece of Science Fiction: Dr. Who’s Interdimensionally Traveling “TARDIS” It’s about 6? by 6? by 12? in size, and beautifully crafted out of Mohagany, Basswood, and Balsa.....Podcasts...
Gallifreyan Embassy has Podcast Companion App Bonus Episode 2, in this bonus exclusive episode for the DW Podshock Podcast Companion App we include a segment from the Q&A session with Daphne Ashbrook (Grace from the 1996 Doctor Who movie) from last month's 25th anniversary event for the Gallifreyan Embassy, plus Ken and Louis talk about the origins of the Gallifreyan Embassy, and more.....Tid-Bits...
Velvet Jacket has uploaded the alternative cover for The Creature From the Pit, it's easy to misunderstand an enormous green blob...
Who Fix has Golden, if only Fluck and Law had found the need to lampoon Mr. Baker.eBay items of interest...Dr WHO Christmas Carol In Person Autographed Display
£95.00 (0 Bids) End Date: Tuesday Jan-04-2011 16:37:06 GMT Bid now | Add to watch list |
Review's Roundup...
Classical Gallifrey has Serial 146: The Ultimate Foe - The Trial of a Time Lord Part IV, if you count The Trial of a Time Lord as one giant serial of fourteen parts and disregard the four-story structure of it, Trial of a Time Lord is the longest Doctor Who story of all time and this last two parter is the thing that puts it over the edge, I don't want to talk too much about the actual dynamics behind this story here because they work a little bit better as we get into it, but I can't really talk about the finale of this epicness without going into the gritty details of the behind-the-scenes, which I find terribly fascinating....
The Edwardian Adventurer has 056 – Conspiracy (The Romans Part 4), comedic hijinks ensue as Nero becomes smitten with Barbara. Meanwhile, The Doctor must prepare for his second lyre performance, this episode is the most out-and-out comedic so far. Nero is portrayed as a ravenous womanizer and much of this episode is spent with him chasing after Barbara. This portrayal is a bit off. In reality, Nero is not portrayed as the true Nero, but more of a caricature of Roman Imperial excesses....
Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has The Companion Chronicles: Frostfire, what a fascinating place to start the companion chronicles. I really like Vicki and her departure is one of the least celebrated and yet best written in the series (because the episodes aren’t available to watch). It’s intriguing to here more about her life since she left the Doctor in ancient Troy and wonderful to find out that although there is nobody to talk to about her travels, she is happy. Maureen O’Brien obviously sounds older (and she is supposed to) but she is still effortlessly Vicki. She once tried to explain elevators to Troilus but he didn’t understand…that’s what you get for marrying a Greek Adonis!....Outer Space Book and a Pick of the Tweets...
gallifreyone New guests announced: Paul Kasey, Ruari Mears, Frazer Hines, Sarah Douglas, Philip Olivier, Denton Tipton, Nancy Holder, Jose Molina |
steven_moffat First time ever, I'm feeling sad to let go of a year. Sherlock and the Doctor - can't ever top that. |
Markgatiss @steven_moffat Ah yes but 2011: more Doctor! More Sherlock! |
fishcustardzine Happy New Year to all our readers! x |
krynoid Happy New Year everyone |
pricetom Happy 2011 everyone. Goodbye 2010, you strange thing. |
NicholasPegg Hope you have a great New Year's Eve. I'll be having a night in with some friends, some wine, and possibly the still unseen Dr Who Xmas ep! |
With 14 Doctor Whos, 10 Torchwoods and 12 Sarah Jane Adventures, it's certainly going to be a 'Who' packed 2011!Happy New Year! :)