Todays fantastic picture comes courtesy of Steve Caldwell.
The Doctor Who News Page has...
Doctor Who coming to the PlayStation Store, the official PlayStation blog has announced that full episodes of Doctor Who will be made available on the US PlayStation Network Video Store from December.
Torchwood: The New Earth - filming in America from January 11th, ...the date was reported in an interview with Eve Myles (Gwen) in the Wales on Sunday. As well as the filming in America, the star will return to Wales for filming in Gower for a couple of weeks at the end of January, Eve mentioned her plans for relocation to Los Angeles for the shoot, finding a place in Los Angeles for her, her partner, and daughter.
Digital Spy has Q&A: Philip Murphy talks 'The Doctor Who Experience', we chat to the BBC's head of live entertainment about the 2011 Doctor Who Experience.Fandom Films has Further Guests Annonced for Memorabilia, this week we have announced further guests (including stars from Doctor Who) for the Fantom signing zone at Memorabilia which takes place on the weekend of 20th & 21st November at the Birmingham NEC.eBay has 1976 Denys Fisher Mego Doctor Who TARDIS (very rare).The Ultimate Doctor Who Site has Doctor Who DVD Files - Issue 49, the cover and info on this fornight's edition.Big Finish has Jago and Litefoot - Series 2 Packaging Revealed, the full packaging for Series Two of the ever-popular Jago and Litefoot has now been unveiled, the series, released in January 2011, finds Professor Litefoot (Trevor Baxter) abandoning his long-time investigative partner Jago (Christopher Benjamin) in favour of the brilliant Gabriel Sanders (David Collings). Returning stars also include Conrad Asquith as Sergeant Quick, Lisa Bowerman as Ellie Higson and Duncan Wisbey as Ormond Sacker, the box set comprises four stories (Litefoot and Sanders, The Necropolis Express, The Theatre of Dreams and The Ruthven Inheritance), plus an extra disc of interviews that provide some indication of the direction the story will take in Series 3...Doctor Who: Adventures in Time, Space and Music has Episode 5 – Tristram Cary’s Daleks, in this episode we will look at Tristram Cary’s work on Serial B – Story 2 – The Daleks and Serial V – Story 21 - The Dalek Masterplan.SFX has...
Things We Love About Doctor Who Number 1, our new Doctor Who special, on sale Tuesday 30 November, includes a list of 100 things we love about the series, this week and next we’re revealing ten of them online
SFX And Doctor Who Robbed Of Quiz Victory On A Tiebreaker, Paul McGann acts as team captain for SFX at the Sky Ultimate Film Quiz, and we couldn’t have been happier! Paul McGann! Doctor Who number eight! What a great guy. Okay, his film knowledge wasn’t much help, but he was great moral support, and we had a great chat with him about Penge getting bombed during the Second World War and Luther. He’s officially now one of SFX’s favourite stars.....
Who is the Doctor has Continuity Errors, by Steven Moffat. The Luna University, The Hammerstein Building, smaller lecture theatre. 2643 (Editor: a blast from the past but could be relevant soon, as for speculation, Doctor Who Spoilers explains quite neatly how 'A Christmas Carol' might be similar to Moffat’s short story Continuity Errors in which The Doctor altered a librarians past several times in order to make her amenable to lending him a book).TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Doctor Who 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver... Screwdriver, sometimes, a sonic screwdriver just won't cut it. Like when you actually want to screw screws. Make sure you've got an actual screwdriver (Editor: available from Forbidden Planet now).
Snacks-acoricofallapatorius has This me...., "as suggested by my friend Mike, I made a Chamelion Arch Fob Watch as seen in 3 of my most favourite New Who episodes Human Nature, Family of Blood, and Utopia."Fish Fingers and Custard has Issue 3 Preview - Interview With A David Tennant Fangirl, issue 3 is coming very soon. In the meantime, we can bring you a preview of what could prove to be the most controversial article we've ran in our short history, as we interview some David Tennant Fangirls on the man, his role and the aftermath of his departure. (Actually, it's not that controversial. But if it's good enough for Heat Magazine, it's good enough for us!).Who Fix has Milky Way to the Stars, thanks to Simon Harries for this wonderful scan.The10GrandCharityChallenge has Dalek Doodles / GOSH Blogging / Auctions Galore, Dalek Doodle Day is underway, and the mix of Dalek Doodles and TARDIS art is now online. The live auction total just now is a record for one time for me, 131, and features a mix of match worn football items, signed Dr Who cards, photographs, doodles and the aforementioned Dalek and TARDIS creations.RIPT Apparel has Whosicle (Resurrected), "I think the inspiration for this tee is obvious so I won't insult your intelligence by blathering on and on about Daleks and Time Lords."Newsarama has For his 47th, get caught up with a Doctor Who primer, on November 23, 1963 at 5:15 pm on a Saturday, the BBC premiered a program that was intended to educate children on some basics of science and history and was expected to last perhaps a year....Dirty Whoers has Pixie Invasion London: 2010, "despite the best (and worst) the weather could throw at us, myself and the Prof tootled down to London this weekend in the last of our buggering about the countryside convention odyssies. We also got back again (which was something of a miracle), so here I am, replete with biccies and coffee in the comfort of the Pixie hovel, a bearer of good news for those of us who do like our roleplaying games...."IGN Blogs has Top 5 Most Epic Scene’s From Doctor Who (Matt Smith), the Christmas Special is just a month away I decided to list my Top 5 favourite Matt Smith Quotes/Scenes.
Tea with Morbius has Invasion of the Dinosaurs, a group of mad idealists are unleashing Dinosaurs on London. The Third Doctor and Sarah invesigate.Radio Free Skaro has released 226 – I Feel Fine, the time has finally come for The Three Who Rule to sink their teeth into Vincent and the Doctor as the Series 5 commentary series continues. Vincent has been a polarizing episode both amongst the Radio Free Skaro gang as well as much of fandom in general with opinions firmly seated on both sides of the fence....The Eleventh Hour Podcast has William Hartnell, Joe and Chris dive headfirst into their first Classic Doctor Who episode, for one of William Hartnell's adventures. As we actually select which adventure we'll cover on the show, you may wish to just listen and find out. If, however, you want to know beforehand (especially if you want to make sure you've seen said adventure first) the title is included underneath the image credit.Reverse The Polarity Films' Doctor Who Review has Book Review 2: Prisoner of the Daleks, by Trevor Baxendale (2009), After the TARDIS skips a time-track, The Doctor finds himself in a period before the Time War on the planet Hurala. After escaping from a Dalek trap, The Doctor finds himself stranded with some Dalek-hunting mercenaries, amidst the Dalek-Earth wars.'Who' - Is The Man Cast has episode 11: I Am the (Eleventh) Doctor, in this episode review/round off/ sum up Season 5 of Doctor Who.The Edwardian Adventurer has 034 – A Race Against Death (The Sensorites Part 4), the City Administrator continues plotting against the humans while The Doctor attempts to find a cure for Ian’s illness.The Daily Drew has "The Mutants" - Episode Two, this episode introduces a significant new supporting character, Prof. Jaeger. He's played by George Pravda, who appeared in "The Enemy of the World" in Season Five and will return in "The Deadly Assasin" in Season Fourteen.
Doctor Who Spoilers has Tomb of the Cybermen?, ...the Doctor Who art department have been working on Mummified Cybermen. Apparently the Cybermen involved are redesigned classic series Cybermen rather than the 2006 Cybus variety. Earlier in the year there were hints that an episode would be set in Egypt that were later enhanced when a Guardian article claimed that an interactive DVD was being created to accompany an Egypt-themed episode of the series (Editor: due to a renewed reporting of this story, I've reposted this original post again).
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