BBC Sarah Jane Adventures has Revealed - The Safe, check out Sarah Jane's Safe to get exclusive content. SJA Bloopers are now available to unlock.
Spalding Guardian has Savage beating dished out to Doctor Who fans, two men dressed as Doctor Who suffered a “savage beating” in Spalding town centre, Police are stepping up their search for two people who carried out a serious assault outside the old Bull and Monkie pub in Churchgate on the night of the Spalding Pumpkin Parade, the attackers were part of a large group and carried out the assault at about 9.40pm on Friday, October 8, leaving one of their victims with a broken jaw, the incident happened after the offenders had tried to pinch the Doctor Who hat from one of the victims....TV Cream has Doctor Who Magazine's Soap Bubble, "Taking up an indecently large chunk of what many online fans will declare “Worst. Issue. Ever.” (as if that bunging-in-full-stops trope was still quite the thing) is The Greatest Soap in the Galaxy, an exploration of how much Doctor Who owes to the world of soap. It features interviews with Gareth Roberts, Mark Gatiss, Rupert Laight and Graeme Harper, plus some daffy box-out fun, TV Cream happens to know that the article was submitted with a surfiet of DB-OF, and thus, in agreement with DWM, this week we’re presenting, the bits they didn’t have room for exclusively on TV Cream...." Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.Big Finish have uploaded the trailers for The Companion Chronicles - The Perpetual Bond, The Companion Chronicles - Peri and the Piscon Paradox, and Doctor Who: Relative Dimensions.eBay has Origanal Berwick Dr Who 1965 Dalek Costume Rare.The Official Nintendo Magazine has First Doctor Who Wii gameplay video, If you've read our Doctor Who Wii review you'll know that it's the biggest disappointment of the year. Now you can see just how bad it is by watching our gameplay video, the opening level is one of the worst we have ever seen in a videogame.
British Board of Film Censors has given Doctor Who at the Proms a rating of U, the video is directed by Rhodri Huw, and the cast includes Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill.TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Bow Tie Hard Trailer (Romance), Bow Tie Hard was made with Osian Productions in aid of Children In Need and is a one of special, coming this November.
Staggering Stories has DWPA: Chicago TARDIS Convention Preview 2, Dr Phill of the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time, Space and Music Podcast kindly presents the second part of his preview for the upcoming Chicago TARDIS 2010 convention.Who Fix has Oh, Kate!, found in a charity shop for £1.20 by Simon Guerrier.Gallifreyan Embassy has Doctor Who: Podshock - Aftershock 20101119, a brief Aftershock episode announcing our Doctor Who 47th Anniversary Party and Meet Up on Second Life this Saturday, the 20th of November, 2010.Dirty Whoers has Tea and High Dudgeon, it must be said that I slept better than I thought I would (in fact, we were getting up not long after some of the people we'd been drinking with the night before had just gone to bed). A sense of foreboding hung over brekkie as I contemplated the potential train-wreck of the afternoon's festivities, which our morning encounter with Sylvester McCoy did nothing to dispel. Apparently he wasn't very well all weekend, so that must be taken in to account, but getting his signature was a rather awkward experience for some reason.
The Ood Cast has Culture Vultures, ...we dip our toes in the warm, nostalgic waters of The Sarah Jane Adventures and our first review for the series, “Death of the Doctor”.Tea with Morbius has Black Orchid, the Fifth Doctor, Adric and Nyssa attend a masked ball in Edwardian England The Doctor gets nicked and comes along quietly.
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