Monday, November 22, 2010

Who boosts Children in Need audience, Return To Earth failed to make the Wii top ten.....


Charlie Kirchoff: Comic Book Colorist

Doctor Who Classics return in February 2011 with the 7th Doctor!
Here is the cover to issue 1, line art by Robert Hack, colours by Charlie Kirchoff.


Broadcast has Doctor Who boosts Children in Need audience, an appearance from Doctor Who helped BBC1’s Children in Need to a peak audience of more than 11m.

SFX has Doctor Who Experience, get ready for a whole new style of Doctor Who exhibition, as the Doctor Who Experience plunges you into an adventure which sees you at the controls of the TARDIS. Philip Murphy, the BBC’s Managing Director of Live Entertainment, reveals what’s in store...

The Official Nintendo Magazine has UK Charts: How did Doctor Who Wii get on?, Return To Earth failed to make the Wii top ten after one weekend on sale, despite the negative reviews it seems some people still bought it as Return To Earth went in at number 11 in the Wii chart.

Radio Times
has Win a Nintendo Wii and Return to Earth Game, we're giving away a Nintendo Wii console worth £180 and a copy of Return to Earth. For a chance to win, just correctly answer the multiple-choice questions opposite. Four runners-up will also receive a copy of the game.

Mineola Patch has 'Doctor Who' Actress Visits Mineola for Fan Club’s 25th Anniversary, "what started in 1985 with newsletters and meetings, in 2010 is now an online presence like the website or podcasts and things," Louis Trapani told fellow fans of the 40-plus year British sci-fi series "Doctor Who" gathered at Eleanor Rigby's Tuesday night. "But there's still nothing better than good old-fashioned people getting together and having a good time and we have a great community of Doctor Who fans on Long Island."

TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has Dr. Who Video Game - The Official Trailer.


Stephen Wyatt has posted Dr Who DVD release, Paradise Towers is apparently finally scheduled for release in 2011. I have recently given an interview which will be used to accompany the release. I've also contributed to a running commentary which will be available as another add-on.?

Glitter Guns and Laser Beams
has Whotopia Issue 19 Coming Soon! *Updated*, here at last are some early details on the forthcoming issue 19 which will be released any day now…

Penelope's Weavings and Unpickings has Doctor Who merchandise: the plastic plastic Roman, one of the things I liked best about the last season of Doctor Who were the Roman soldiers from The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang.

BBC Doctor Who Adventures (Blog) has Doctor Who: Return to Earth materialises!, if you've played Return to Earth, or Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth for the Nintendo DS, we want to know what you think! Was it funny? Scary? Did you play it with the new Sonic Screwdriver Wii remote? Email us at with a picture of yourself and tell us what it was like. We'll print the best answers in a future issue.

The Velvet Jacket has released the altarnative cover for The Time Monster, the Master unleashes a creature that will devour all Time.

The Ood Cast has The Ood Castoon 10, the Doctor’s Guide to Successful Biscuit-related Intergalactic Bluffing.

Who Fix has Who Killed Kennedy, and if that wasn't bad enough, Dodo died of syphilis.

Classic TV Press has Competition Time..., Two new Classic TV Press titles  'Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens' and 'Being Human' will be published soon. If you want to be in with a chance of winning a free copy of each then why not enter our new competitions?


The Cultdom Collective Podcast has Episode 73 ‘The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Review.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 028 – The Warriors of Death, Machiavellian antics begin as Anti-Yetaxa factions make their move. “What better way to destroy your enemies than to let them destroy themselves.” As Doctor Who villains go, Tlotoxl is one of my non-Kevin Stoney favorites.

Two-minute Time Lord has 2MTL 176: "The End of the World" Two-minute Throwback, "The End of the World" was the most important Series One episode to Doctor Who's breakout success in 2005....

has K9: Eclipse Of The Korven, the sudden appearance of a black hole and a white hole in the STM signals either the imminent end of the Earth or the opening of a portal from the other side of the universe... either way things are not looking good for the planet!

The Daily Drew reviews "The Sea Devils" - Episode One, Epidode Two and Episode Three.

Tin Dog Podcast
has TDP 147: SJSA 4.6 and Children in Need 2010, Sarah Jane faces her saddest day, as she realises that no one can defend the Earth forever. She’s saved the world so many times, but must now hand over the task to safer hands. Clyde and Rani are distraught, and the forces of darkness gather as the inevitable day approaches.


SFX has Doctor Who Utah Shoot Pictures, the Who production team have fun in the Utah sun. 10 images from the shooting of series six opening two-parter written by Steven Moffat.

Digital Spy
has In Pictures: 'Doctor Who' films in Utah, it's no secret that the Doctor Who team are out in Utah filming the two-part season opener. But even in the inhospitable Valley of the Gods they're not immune from the long-lens of the paparazzi.

crcornwall has YouTubed Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah, and Doctor Who Valley of the Gods filming.

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