On Monday, December 6th at 5pm NEVERMIND THE LAST TRACKS, an internet radio show based in Brooklyn, New York, will be rocking out for a whole hour with all things to do with that UK classic itself, Doctor Who. Playing "Time Lord Rock" (or Trock) tribute songs, amazing remixes of the theme tune, songs from the show that you may not have known about, and tons of other exciting DW-related music, NMLT will thoroughly geek out with punk, 80's jams, swinging pop songs, and rock and roll all to do with The Doctor himself.BUT STAY TUNED! On top of all of this we'll also be hosting the always epic BATTLE OF THE FANS, an on-air quiz show about all things Doctor Who that just may have some epic prizes up for grabs.Tune in here! http://radiostream.pratt.e<wbr>du:8100/listen.m3u Watch our live video stream here: http://www.stickam.com/nev<wbr>ermindthelasttracksBe sure to follow us on Twitter for regular updates: www.twitter.com/lasttracks
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