Thursday, November 25, 2010

Philip Murphy interview, Cybermen take over London, plus more News and Reviews


Todays picture is from celaeno on TARDIS Soup.


Den of Geek has Philip Murphy interview: The Doctor Who Experience, Doctor Who Live, and the 50th anniversary, the head of BBC Live Entertainment chats to us about the upcoming Doctor Who Experience, looks back at the arena tour, and hints at future plans…

CBBC Newsround has Pics: Cybermen take over London!,Run! Hide! Cybermen from Doctor Who have taken over London - to celebrate the Doctor Who Experience coming to London in February 2011.

Taylor Herring has Cybermen Invade London, LONDON, Thursday 25th November 2010: BBC Worldwide invite you on a journey of a lifetime. Step inside the TARDIS this spring to take a starring role in your very own Doctor Who adventure at the Doctor Who Experience.

Two-minute Time Lord has 2MTL 177: Timeless Doctor, Mortal Friends, can a time traveler ever truly leave his companions and acquaintances behind? After all, the Doctor "is" friends with Winston Churchill even though Churchill's long dead! Thoughts about the mystical — except in the Doctor's own case — connections between all times and places lie within. (This one ran a little long; sorry!).

Arrow of Time has 008 – A Very Special Episode, this week on Arrow of Time we tackle the very serious issue of time-travel addiction. No wait, we talk about the specials.  Not *the* specials, mind, but the short clips like those made for Children in Need that augment our Who-based entertainment.

Last Broadcast has Win Doctor Who books, The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who 2011 contains everything you need to know about the Eleventh Doctor’s first year, to celebrate, we’re giving away copies of the book to 5 of our Twitter followers, if you're not already following us on Twitter (for updates on the latest TV reviews, interviews and previews), just head over to @LastBroadcastTV and click on 'Follow'.

Who Fix has Dogtor Who, it was a dark and stormy Time War...

The Cultdom Collective has Cultdom Interviews: The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who,.....interviews The Editors of 'The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who' Anthony Burdge, Jessica Burke & Kristine Larsen.


Tea with Morbius has Shadow Of The Scourge by Paul Cornell (Big Finish Audio), the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice meet extra-dimensional horrors at a hotel conference.

The Edwardian Adventurer has 031 – Strangers in Space (The Sensorites Part 1), the TARDIS Crew materialize on a ship under siege by mind-controlling beings known as The Sensorites.

Doc Oho's Big Finish audios reviews has...

  • Blood of the Daleks written by Steve Lyons and directed by Nicholas Briggs, "People of Red Rocket Rising, my fellow citizens. Our long night is over. I've been contacted by a benevolent people.

  • Horror of Glam Rock written by Paul Magrs and directed by Barnaby Edwards, the Doctor and Lucie go glam when the TARDIS makes an unexpected landing in 1974. Slade, The Sweet and Suzi Quatro are Top of the Pops - and brother-and-sister duo The Tomorrow Twins will soon be joining them, if starmaking Svengali Arnold Korns has his way.

Krynoid Podcast has 014: The Seeds of Doom, it's time to play in the green cathedral! Jim and Martin tackle a real gem and the story that spawned this very podcast. Yes, it's the 1976 Tom Baker classic The Seeds of Doom! The Doctor visits the South Pole in just his hat and scarf and runs into Boycie who's there to nick an intergalactic vegetable for his loonie employer. Much violence and fisty-cuffs later the vegetable is the size of a house! Aided by a cross-eyed old bint (that's Amelia Ducart not Sarah-Jane) the Doctor attempts to save the day once again. Will he succeed? Well of course he will, but tune in any way and we'll talk you through it.

Pharos Project has 30: When There's no More Room in Hull..., it's time for some good nu Who as we tackle "The Unquiet Dead".

Total Sci Fi has Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth / Return to Earth/ Remote Sonic Screwdriver, two New Who adventures for Nintendo consoles, plus a cool tool!

The Daily Drew has "The Sea Devils" - Episode Six, there's a lot wrong with this episode, I have to say. Many of the plot elements are either ludicrous or painfully predictable.

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