Thanks to countsickness at TARDIS Soup for todays picture.
Geeks of Doom has TARDISblend 17: From Doctor Who To Sarah Jane, we take the opportunity to talk about further views of Doctor Who Series 5 and The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4; as well as discussing some of the news and rumors floating around the web.The Doctor Who News Page has A Verity Lambert Biopic, a short film about Verity Lambert and her struggle to get Doctor Who made will broadcast online in early December, the film, written by two film students Thomas Cowell and Joey Guy have produced the ten minute biopic which will focus on the key stage of production for the very first episodes of Doctor Who between August and December 1963Radio Free Skaro has SPACE To Air Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol on December 26, at 9pm ET – one day after the BBC will air it in the UK and the American premiere of the 2010 Christmas Special on BBC America.Caption Who has posted "Here we are! The 47th anniversary for Doctor Who, and the 8th for Caption Who! And the best is still to come for both. Thanks for everyone out there for being a fan of the show, and for visiting here. This special update (starting on page 1016) finishes both "The Didus Expedition" and "The Ark In Space" and gets us started on "Planet Of The Ood" -- with oodles and oodles of Ood puns! Toodle-ood! "The Doctor Who Podcast has released Episode 52, this episode sees the boys review the Turlough/Tegan/Nyssa trilogy of stories - Cobwebs, The Whispering Forest and The Cradle of the Snake. This trilogy sees the return of the trio of companions that delighted us during the Black Guardian trilogy of stories of the classic series. has A Belt Made of Shoelaces, "Katy Manning, ladies and gentlemen. MacMachiavelli from Planet Gallifrey and I got to interview her and her on-screen grandson, Finn Jones, over the weekend at Birmingham's Memorabilia convention! Many many thanks to Mac for taking the time to type up the interview. I've added in a few additional bantery bits of info in my version which some fans may find of interest."
Don't Panic has Well Behaved Nerds Rarely Make History, "I recently found out that the current Doctor from Doctor Who [Matt Smith] would be on the Craig Ferguson show, which tapes just a couple of miles from where I work. I immediately put myself in for a couple of tickets and was confirmed (although they state that they frequently overbook, so admission was not guaranteed). I thought it would be fun to go in costume. When I saw that Ferguson was promoting the show as The Doctor Who show and even got a Dalek for the occasion, I KNEW that I had to go in costume."Who Fix has Well hello!, a dandy not a clown (from Skaro 3,5).develish1 has Finally, good news and pics..., Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum, Dumba-de-dum…okay that’s enough of that....
Cathode Ray Tube has An Unearthly Child, a woman producer and a gay Asian director made this in 1963. Delia Derbyshire and her tape edits. Peter Brachacki and his console room.Classical Gallifrey has Serial 5: The Keys of Marinus, Terry Nation is crazy. No, really. He is. We have a sort of pet name for him over here at Classical Gallifrey, and, much like Robert "The Goddamn" Holmes, "Madman" Terry Nation is not unearned....
The Edwardian Adventurer has 030 – The Day of Darkness (The Aztecs Part 4), Ian is trapped in a flooding passage that leads to the tomb while Barbara desperately tries to stop the sacrifices planned for the eclipse–one sacrifice being Susan!The Daily Drew has "The Sea Devils" - Episode Five, this episode is where comparisons to "The Silurians" really start to make this sequel look like the cheap and flimsy imitation it is.The Cultdom Chronicles has Cultdom Commentary: The Christmas Invasion, with daveac, Ian ‘The6thDoctor’ & Mike ‘Rand__alThor’ bring you the first of our Dr Who Christmas Commentaries.
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