Sunday, November 28, 2010

Eve Myles from Torchwood to Hollywood, Bedroom of a Time Lord, plus more News and Reviews


Todays picture is 'A Christmas Carol' by Andy Lambert.


WalesOnline has Eve Myles: From Torchwood to Hollywood, she's staunchly proud of her Welsh roots but Eve Myles is about to become an all-American girl – by moving into an Austin Powers-style house in the Hollywood Hills.

The Ultimate Doctor Who Site has Doctor Who Adventures - Issue 194, the cover and info on this week's edition.

TARDIS Scanner - Who Tube has...

Big Finish has Main Range Subscribers get The Switching, subscribers to our Doctor Who monthly range have received another download of a Short Trips story, the Switching by Simon Guerrier was originally published in Short Trips: Zodiac, and follows the consequences as the Third Doctor and the Master suddenly swap bodies. The audio version is performed by Duncan Wisbey.


Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour has Rogue Trip, "over the river and through the woods….  Thanksgiving time here in the tundra means packin' up and goin' to the relatives, usually in a car trip of some length, which in turn means music (or podcasts, some of them Doctor Who related, of some length)."

Freedonia Post has A Geek’s Trip to The Doctor’s Cardiff, "the most interesting thing about Cardiff is the presence of a rift in space and time above the city. If you know what that means, then you’re a geek like me."

Crafty Tardis has Matt Smith free easy crochet pattern, "been working hard to get this one done in case anyone wants to make a Matt for a loved one by xmas."

Evil Crochet Genius has A Complete Set of Doctor Who Amigurumi, "here they are at last the complete set of Doctor Who re-generations. I know most of you will have seen these already. But now, courtesy of Justin I have shiny new photos, that make these guys look much cooler than they do in real life."

Velvet Jacket has the alternative cover for The Horns of Nimon, the Nimon's promises of power call for the ultimate sacrifice.

eBay has David Tennant (Dr Who) Stars on Canvas - Celebrity Art, 100% of the final sale price will support Willow Foundation: fund a day out for a seriously ill young person.

WHOGold has Doctor Who Weekend: Sunday (1993), November 1993. Great times. We've covered Saturday's viewing last week, so let's crack on with the Sunday... hope you like trailers...

Who Fix
has Yeti Weather, Pertwee goes to the loo on a Yeti in Tooting Bec.


The Untempered Schism Podcast has Episode 6 : The Three Doctors, this week the Untempered Schism podcast celebrates the 47th anniversary of Doctor Who by firing up the TARDIS and heading back to review the 10th anniversary special, “The Three Doctors” (even though it was broadcast in January of 1973 instead of November, but it’s the thought that counts).

Bigger on the Inside
has released Episode 52, in his grand return, The Master frames The Doctor for the murder of the Gallifreyan Lord President ("The Deadly Assassin"). And a mistakes comes back to haunt The Doctor, as a sentient computer with The Doctor's personality causes havoc on a distant world ("The Face of Evil"). Also, the leather-clad Leela joins the TARDIS. Mmmmhhh, Leela!

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